"Im jus tired" he said

"You needa nap?" She offered, it was sunday, file day, she had no clients

"Yes" he said

He went and laud on the couch

"If you dont mind me asking, why dont you go home?"

"If i go home chanels gonna rape me i jus wanna sleep" he said

"What?" She asked laughing

"Chanel is my girl now, and she been giving or getting head in the morning having sex till 3 am then she let me sleep for a couple hours then wakes me up to have sex again and ive been loosing sleep"

"Did you tell her?"

"Nah i like how she feels"

"Your loosing sleep tho"

"Mmhmm" he said back falling asleep

A few hours later

"Geani" dr lakes said

"Hmm" he said waking up and stretching

"Chanel called three times" she said

"She did? Oh shit, how long ago"

"4-5 minutes"

He got up and went to the bathroom then came back and called her

"Hello" he said

"Its good to know you know how to pick your phone up"

"Im at-"

"Doctor lakes ik, you have your location on. Why are you there?"

"I fell asleep dats my bad why you called"

"I had bad cramps i went to the doctor"

"Are you okay?" He asked

"Yea, but can you come home?" She asked

"Coming rn" he said hanging up

Soon he was back home and chanel was on his bed laying down

"Im back" he said

"Hi baby" she said giving him a hug

"Wassup pretty, wassup wit you?"

"Nothing i just missed you" he said

"I missed you too" he said laughing

She was in a over sized shirt and pajama pants

"I gotta tell you sum"

"Yes" she said "come lay with me pleaseee"

"Its actually about that" he said putting on some pajama pants as well

"What do you have to say?" She asked while she snuggled up against him

"Can we have less sex?" He asked


"We been fuckin alot lately and its making me tired i barely get any sleep, im not saying i dont like having sex wit you but can we take a break?"

"Im not in a sex mood anymore, can you lay with me and watch a movie"

He agreed

"You dont wanna have sex with me?" She asked

"I do but rn i think i needa chill on that"

"Im sorry bae" she said

"It ain nothing" he said back

Love and war || Sequal : ChemistryKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat