Six the musical (part 4)

Start from the beginning

"She's being sarcastic" Jirou deadpanned.

"I wouldn't know anything about that"

"Rude" Kirishima said.

"I mean look at me really I'm really fit"

"Narcissist much?" Sero asked.

"So yeah..."

"I can even BEGIN to THINK of HOW I compete with you all
Oh wait"

"Like this"

*beat starts up*

"Oh I already like the beat" Kaminari said.

"All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby"

"Am I the only one who gets uncomfortable when pet names are used in songs?" Kaminari asked.

"They make me uncomfortable too" Sero said with Shinsou agreeing.

"I think we can all agree I'm a ten amongst these threes"

"This is so different from our shy little Deku" Uraraka said looking at the boy who was blushing at his more confident alternate version.

"All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
And ever since I was a child I'd make the boys go wild"

"What does that mean?" Fuyumi said not being able to fully decipher her nervousness from that statement.

"All you wanna do
All you wanna do baby
Take my first music teacher, Henry Mannox"

"I'm starting to like this song less now" Kaminari said.

"I was young it's true but even then I knew
The only thing you wanna to do is..."

"To those who have figured it out and are uncomfortable the exit to the safe room is that way" Author pointed at a door that appeared and opened on it own to reveal a lounge with sofas and a TV.

"Broad, dark, sexy Mannox
Taught me all about dynamics"

"Yeah..... 'dynamics'" Mina said with venom in her tone.

"He was twenty three
And I was thirteen going on thirty"

Audible gagging noises were made.

"I don't mean to be the bringer of bad news but the guy wasn't 23 he was 30..." Author said.

Ryoba made trash bags and they appeared next to everyone as she heard gagging.

"We'd spend hours strumming the lute
Striking the chords and blowing the flute
He plucked my strings all the way to G
Went from major to minor, C to D"

The audience found themselves resisting the urge to vomit as the screen showed the scene in black and white making it appear more tolerable but that didn't change the facts of that scene.

"Tell me! What you need"

"Oh! She's ENTERTAINING IT" Kaminari said clearly disturbed.

"Escorting Izuku out now" Author said as the boy was just bluescreened on his seat.

"What you want, you don't need to plead
'Cause I feel the chemistry
Like I get you and you get me"

"I have a feeling that's not the case" Mina said.

"And maybe this is it...."
He just cares so much it feels legit"

"This is going to be a recurring thing huh?" Jirou asked.

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