Chapter One.

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Chapter One.

Alena could hear the irritating buzz of her alarm clock going off in the back ground, pulling her from her dreamless sleep and back into her dark bedroom, the only light coming through the little gap in her curtains from the orange street light outside her house. She mumble incoherent words under breath as she reluctantly opened her eyes and blinked away her sleep, she reached out and slapped her hand on top of her alarm clock that rested on her bedside table, she reached higher and pulled the cord of the lamp that lay behind her clock, her room was immediately lit up with the soft yellow glow while she blinked against the sudden intrusion of light.

Alena pulled herself up and set her feet on her carpeted floor, feeling the fabric tickle her sensitive feet as she stood and stretched with a yawn, her muscles pulled and tighten before she slouched and headed over to her en suite bathroom in dire need of a shower to wake herself up for school. She lathered up her favourite coconut shampoo in her hands before massaging it into her scalp and to the ends of her raven coloured hair that she had inherited from her farther, one of the many traits. She rinsed her hair before using her coconut conditioner to run through the ends of her hair with a comb, feeling the once rough hair turn to silk between her fingers as she rinsed it under the warm water, she quickly washed her body and escaped the warmth of the shower and to the cold air of the bathroom, she wrapped a big fluffy towel around her tiny body and headed back into her bedroom where she began to get ready for school.

Today was the first of November, near enough winter with the air turning crisp and cold, with the mornings getting darker and it also getting darker earlier in the evening, she loved winter, she loved everything about it especially Christmas and when it snowed, the white blanket that cover the ground and everywhere it touched was beautiful.

Alena stood in front of her bedroom mirror scrutinizing her appearance not that anyone really noticed her anyway, to everyone at school she didn't exist and that was the way she liked it. Alena's black hair was down as usual flowing to the middle of her back in waves, her bright blue eyes framed by dark eyelashes that had a coat of mascara, her usual pink lips looked more red than pink today due to the fact that she constantly licked them, she wore a simple pair of ripped skinny jeans with a long sleeved top and a coat with her favourite white hat that matched the fluffy scarf she wore, her outfit finished with a pair of converses, her outfit was simple exactly how she liked it as she grabbed her bag and began to walked down stairs.

Alena's parents sat at the kitchen table as they did every morning, her dad, Paul was wearing his usual suit as he sat at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading over a booklet for work, he looked up at the sound of her approach and instantly smiled

"Hi dad." She smiled, revealing her two dimples on her cheeks, a trait she inherited from her mum.

"You're up early." Paul commented as she felt his eyes on her as she walked around the kitchen to make her breakfast of simple toast and jam

"It's only by five minutes." She laughed as she leant against the worktop waiting patiently for her toast to pop.

"Five minutes is still early." Her dad teased as he set the booklet he was reading to the side and took a swig of his coffee.

"Where are you working today?" she asked changing the subject as she eased towards the fridge to collect her spreads.

"Henley, as always," Her dad groaned, he hated working that much was obvious especially when he had to travel hours in car. "But lucky for you I'll be back before you get home." he said, she looked over her shoulder to see him grinning at her, the grin that slipped onto her face was almost identical to hers. Alena and her dad had a close relationship, much closer than most seventeen year old girls did, at school she would often hear girls complain about something their dad had said or how he wouldn't let them go to a party or wear a certain outfit, granted these girls weren't the nicest or best dressed but Alena couldn't help but feel sorry for their dads, especially when their daughter was saying such horrible things about them and all they were doing was looking after their welfare. Alena loved her dad dearly, just like she loved her mother dearly. As if on thought her mother walked into the kitchen, her red hair flowing behind her as she skipped over to her husband as placed a sweet kiss on the tip of his nose.

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