53. "I know why you're smiling, naughty boy."

Start from the beginning

"And Jared and Fleur are the ones who have to pay it," Murad accused him.
"Fleur?" asked Tyler, puzzled.
"You put their commitment on the line. You used their birthright as leverage in the negotiations!"
Tyler jumped up. "Their commitment wasn't at stake for a second," he snapped. "At no point did I discuss their marriage or use it as part of the negotiations."
Murad hesitated. "Fleur said you objected to her marriage to Jared?"
Tyler's fists are visibly clenched. "It's separate from the situation," he said, shaking his head.
"What do you mean?" asked Murad.
Tyler stared at the ground.
From his bed, Sheikh Jabaar took him frowning. "Does this have anything to do with your confession in Paris?" he asked softly.
Tyler nodded, but kept his eyes averted.
With an apologetic look at his son, the Sheikh sighed. "Can I conclude from all this that you're in love with Jareed?"

"What?" said Murad, looking at his father with genuine surprise. He came half out of his chair and then fell back. "But?"
Despairing, he recorded Tyler standing next to him with his head bowed. "So you didn't object to their marriage?" he asked hesitantly.
Tyler shook his head. "My opinion in this is irrelevant."
Black eyes pinched together. "You could have forbid the commitment?"
Tyler nodded.
"But you didn't?"
Tyler swallowed laboriously before answering: "I asked him what would change if the obligation to marry Fleur were to disappear. His answer was direct and inexorable; nothing."
He looked at Murad biting on his lower lip. "I know there is no room in your religion for the love I feel for Jared," he said hoarse. "But believe me when I say that the wound I've struck in his heart is proportional to mine."
He bit away the tears that shone in his blue eyes. "In your eyes, it may be nothing, but I'm giving up my future by his side. That's the price I pay for your peace."
Abruptly, he got up. "Excuse me," and he left the room.

BJ and Rasheed looked up as Murad ran after him.
"Wait!" Murad grabbed Tyler by the arm and held him standing.
"How can you claim to give up your future by his side? You're a vet assistant, aren't you?" the man bit him.
Tyler looked him straight in the eye. "After my blessing, your daughter and her husband will not see me again. That is the promise I have made to her and that I will abide by."
"They plan to live next door to you!", Murad angrily accused him. "You make empty promises!"
"No, I'm not," Tyler said so sad that Murad fell silent.
"But what about your family? Your friends? Your job?"
Tormented, Tyler looked at him wordlessly.
Angrily, Murad grabbed him by the shoulders. "You leave everything behind? Why?" he demanded shaking Tyler.
"Wouldn't you do everything in your power to secure the happiness of your family, of Fleur? Whatever the consequences for yourself?" He let the softly spoken sink.
With a deep wrinkle between his eyebrows, Murad nodded.
"There you have your answer," he said simply.

Tyler felt his phone vibrate. It told him of a newly arrived.
"Jared is coming."
Murad looked left into the empty hallway.
Tyler wiped the tears off his face and took a deep breath. He avoided a look at the upcoming Jared. He didn't want to give away more to the sharp Murad who already knew too much.

Murad and Jared greeted each other.
"Father is expecting you," Murad told his future son-in-law.
"Wait for me here," Jared said to Tyler before walking on.
"What does that mean?" asked Murad, puzzled.
"He may have lost his title, but he's still used to his orders being followed," Tyler said. "We're going to pick up our suits."
Murad raised eyebrows. "And all while he's so mad at you? Why?"
"Because that's how he wishes it," was Tyler's simple response.
The man looked at him clearly not understanding. "Why are you allowing this?" Murad saw the pain in the boy's eyes as he tried to avoid his piercing gaze.

"A tormented man doesn't care about a few more pinpricks. The damage already done is irreparable. If I can take away some of his grief by adhering to his wishes, I can't ignore this. In all his fury, Jared can't hurt me more than I already do." He shrugged.
The sad smile on Tyler's face shocked Murad.
"I see on your face that this is not true, Tyler. It's not his fury you're afraid of, but his good and generous heart. That's why you disappear completely from his life."
Tyler let out a cynical smile. "I suppose I called this on myself when I said you could be painfully honest."
Murad shook his head. "There is such a big difference between how you are as a bearer of the eye and now. You have truly proven to me that the interests of our family are above your own."
He pressed Tyler against his chest and kissed him on the cheeks. "I'm going back to my father."
Tyler nodded and, with BJ and Rasheed at bay, kept waiting for Jared.

He pushed off the wall before Jared came through the door. His face was tight and Tyler was startled.
"Was there any news from Dubai?" His heart beat faster at the palpable anger that radiated from Jared.
"It looks like you've made another conquest," Jared spat at him.
Tyler was dragged to his elbow.
"Murad Al-Din spoke very avid about the deal you have made. He praised your integrity and dedication to the family," Jared sounded caustic. "Would you explain to me why that is this? Because yesterday at dinner he could still drink your blood!"
Jared pushed Tyler to a waiting car. Rasheed and BJ were already in the front seat. Tyler suddenly thought back to a time not so long ago, when he couldn't have imagined living with a bodyguard. Now he stepped into a car where the door was held open for him and where two trained men sat to protect him and his companion.

"How am I supposed to know?" Tyler barked as Jared slid next to him. "Is it perhaps an idea to ask your future father-in-law yourself?"
"I've already done it," Jared surly said.
"And what kind of answer did he give?" asked Tyler curiously.
Jared blinked his eyes. "That I had to treat you with respect." Black eyes drilled into blue. "What did you say to him?"
"I told him how the deal came about."
"And in the hallway?"
"Mr. Al –Din wanted confirmation about the commitment between you and Fleur. I made it clear to him that your marriage was not part of the discussions or will ever be in the future," Tyler said firmly. "Apparently he appreciated this." Grumpily processed Jared this information. Tyler saw that he wasn't satisfied with the simple explanation, but he let the matter rest.

The only reason Tyler was looking forward to the fitting was Jared. The thought of seeing him standing half undressed on a raise and being able to openly admire him, brought a smile to his lips.
"I know why you're smiling, naughty boy," Jared grumbled softly.
"Hey, it's your own fault," Tyler said breezily. "You felt it necessary to pick up our suits together."
The fitting room was located in a back room with screened windows that let through surprisingly much light.
Tyler was first helped so that his measurements could be changed if necessary. Everything, however, fitted him like a glove.
"My fellow tailor in New York recorded your measurements perfectly," the man said.

The suit looked nice on him, but he couldn't wait to see Jared in his place. His patience was rewarded as soon as Jared walked out of the dressing room. The salesman sighed and gloated at his tailor.
"Would the gentleman be willing to walk around the store so that other customers can admire our craftsmanship?" he asked humbly but with an unmistakable eager undertone.
Tyler grinned.
"Only if Tyler goes, too. In costume," Jared added.
The smile slipped off Tyler's face. Jared looked at him defiantly. His eyes pinched together and he touted his lips. He didn't give up that fast. "Ok," he told the salesman.
In the dressing room, he waited for his suit in his underpants and socks. Surprised, he saw Jared step in with his clothes. Silently, he helped him get dressed. Tyler enjoyed this reverse temptation. It was only a pity that his already tight pants were structurally put to the test. The seams in the crotch area were dangerously stretched out.

Tyler enjoyed the laps they ran through the store to the fullest. He let himself be openly admired, but it was Jared who conquered the customers. However kind and attentive he spoke to people, Tyler knew that Jared didn't lose sight of him for a single second. He wasn't able to keep the content smile of his face.
Once back in the dressing room, he lingered in changing his clothes. He was hoping Jared would help him again. His body tightened.
"Need help?" he suddenly heard behind him.
"What did you have in mind?" Tyler asked shyly biting on his lower lip.
"I've been asked to hurry up. The next customer is expected soon."
Jared had already changed. His skillful hands undressed Tyler.

Staring at his throat and neck and suppressing the urge to press his lips there Tyler said:
"You looked beautiful in your suit. The classic style fits perfectly with the elegance of Fleur's dress."
"Is that true?" asked Jared, laughing softly. "Well, that must be why she chose it."
"You have to admit, she has taste," Tyler said, painting.
Jared's fingers slipped slightly over his skin. Shivers of pleasure drew palpable through his body.
"You're so sensitive," Jared whispered in his ear.
"I hope you don't plan to tease me here further?" he gasped.
Jared's tongue curled around his earlobe and elicited a deep moan.
"Stop that," Tyler protested leaning his body into Jared.
"You're too delicious," growled Jared, who sadly pushed him away.
"Get dressed," he said after a quick kiss on his lips. "I'll be waiting for you outside."

This time, Tyler rushed.

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