Chapter Three

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A/n: I did a lot of thinking and decided to add Lotor to the love interest because at the end of the series Lance and Allura were together after Lotor dies so why not add him.



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Dang he sexy 😆

Third POV

Y/n was laying on the ground in Ulaz room sleeping while Ulaz is doing research on Y/n.

"Just what are you?" Ulaz questions looking at Y/n who was still sleeping as Ulaz continue to run a test to see if Y/n is related to any species that exists in the universe but only find one which is a fox species that live on earth, Ulaz was so focused trying to found Y/n another half that he didn't know that Antok was already in his room.

"Ulaz did you found what breed she is," Antok ask as Ulaz look at Antok shook his head

"No, I only found half of her breed but not the other," Ulaz said as Antok sat next to Y/n patting her head as Y/n lift her head up and lay on Antok lap.

"She might be related to any species that can fly since she has wing," Antok said

"Well, I did that and found nothing that matches to the second half." Ulaz as he sits on his chair rubbing his forehead in frustration as Antok chuckle at him.

"Calm down Ulaz maybe it a new species that we just haven't found yet," Antok said as he removes Y/n off his lap as she raises her head up looking at Antok.

Are they trying to found what breed I am, well good luck on that Ulaz you won't found my other half anyway Y/n thought as she snickers quietly making the two-man look at her

"What are you laughing now you little fox?" Antok said as he kneels down patting Y/n head

"Hey I just realize that we never give her a name yet," Antok said as Ulaz sigh

"How about Y/n it a nice name to it," Ulaz said as he sat on his bed scratching Y/n behind her ear as she let out a purr


"But isn't the name more of a human name," Antok said as he looks at Ulaz

"Well, I think the name was beautiful and thought it would be wonderful to name the fox," Ulaz said

Hmm I love getting pat I purr as Antok continues to pat my head before standing up.

"That true but we need to go the paladin need us," Antok said he walks out of Ulaz room. I look up and see Ulaz already in his suit walking out of his room I follow him as he enters the main room

"Umm Ulaz why is it following you" Thace ask as Ulaz turn around he saw me

"Y/n what are you doing" Ulaz ask as I whine nudging me snout on his shoulder

"We can't bring you or you will get caught," Ulaz said as he rubs my head before walking out

"No don't go I need you to stay" I bark and whine as Thace came and held me back as try to move Thace off but couldn't as the ship flew away making me whine again as lay on the ground

"Come on girl I know you miss them but you need to move," Thace said as lay on the ground as I cover my face with my paw

"Fine I will stay with you so you won't feel lonely" Thace said as he lay on my stomach as I move my wing and wrap around him keeping him warm as I fall asleep with my tail wrapping Thace

Ulaz POV

"Seem like she attaches to you," Kolivan said as I chuckled

"I can tell and it seems she doesn't want me to go thank god Thace was there to hold her," I said as Kolivan laugh

"I can see and anyway we need to see what the paladin need," Kolivan said as a screen appear showing Allura face

"Hello Kolivan, thank you for taking your time," Allura said

"It no problem Princess, what seems to be the problem," Kolivan ask as Princess Allura look at us with a worried look

"It Zarkon and he seem to be looking for something and had been terrorizing innocent people from a different planet and it seemed he is looking for the fox as Pidges say," Allura said as I look at princess Allura confuse

"But why will he want the fox for," I ask

"Well that the problem we don't why he want the fox for and it doesn't seem to be a good idea if he wants the fox if so then the fox must have something," Allura said as Kolivan look at me

"Ulaz did you found what breed she made of," Kolivan ask as I look at the datapad

"To be honest, I only found that she half fox but I couldn't find her other half but Antok did say that she could be related to any species that can fly," I said as Kolivan look back at Princess Allura

"Hmm is that so then you must have the fox with you," Allura ask as we nodded our head

"You must protect the fox at all costs so Zarkon won't get his hand on it," Allura said

"We understood Princess," Kolivan said he end the call

"Well look like we need to help the people and return back to base," Kolivan said as I sigh

"This is to much work," I groan as everyone laugh

"Well the faster we get it done the sooner we get back to base," Antok said we land on a planet

"Well everyone gets ready to fight." Kolivan as we got our weapons ready

~~~Few hours later~~~

After saving a few planets from the Galra empire we're getting ready to leave as I patch few of our man we were back at base and everyone seems to be quiet as I look over the corner of the room I notice that Y/n was sleeping but when I look closer I see Thace sleeping on Y/n stomach

"Will isn't this cute" Antok said as he snaps a picture

"What are you Antok doing?" I ask as Antok look at me

"Taking picture of them," Antok said as snaps a couple of pictures of Y/n and Thace sleeping

"I guess it cute," I mumbled laying next to her slowly falling asleep

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