[Rewrite] Need some fixing

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Third POV

The paladins and the blade of Marmora were to shock to even move until Allura look at every one.

"Okay new mission we need to catcher the girl before Zarkon can get her," Allura said as everyone nodded

"Wait if we're going to catch her then we have to found her location," Keith said as Allura nip her bottom lip in frustration

"Umm guy why are the crystal floating." Hunk point out as the crystal began to form into ting jewel as everyone looks at it as the jewel flew up before disappearing from the group eye

"Okay that was weird but never mind that we need to get her before Zarkon," Antok said as the other look at each other

"Well from the look of it might be tricky trying to get her," Ulaz said as nodded their heads in an agreement

"We should be prepared to leave let ahead back to the ship," Allura said as they began to walking back to the ship

~~~In the Galra Empire Throne room~~~

"What do you mean that the portal has been destroyed!" Zarkon yell as he stood up from his throne

"When prince Lotor pulls the switch to activate the portal. The portal only explored and it was covered in the crystal but there was something or someone inside the crystal before we could se-," the soldier was cut off as a galra soldiers flew into the room hitting against the wall leaving a large crack on the wall as he falls down.

"Wow, I didn't mean to hit him that hard." Zarkon looks at the entrance as the dust began to disappear.

"Who are you?" Sendak shout as he stood up

"Now that not nice to greet someone than again it doesn't matter." A female with a large pair of white wing walk in but what surprised them was that she has nine tail

"She has nine tail," Throk said looking at the female

"Oh how rude of me for not introducing myself, My name is Y/n Kiyoshi it a pleasure to meet you my lord" Y/n bow her head a bit before looking back at Zarkon.

"How did you manage to sneak inside the palace?" Throk asks as he looks at Y/n who smiling at them innocently.

"Well I here for someone and I'm not letting that person ruin my fun," Y/n said as appear in front of Hagger

"And that means you need to be gone," Y/n said as she grabs Hagger by her neck.


I grab Hagger by the neck as she clawed my arm trying to break free.

"You know I was planning to steal your ability but now I think I will just get rid of you because if I don't you will just interfere with my plan." I put my hand on her chest using soul removal as I pull my hand away from her chest her soul came out as she laid limp in my hand as I drop her dead corpse on the floor

"Hmm what a lovely soul she has to bad she has to die, thing can be different if she didn't choose this path, good night Honerva" I sigh as I put her soul in the container as I held the container in both of my hand holding it up in the air letting the jar flew up fading into little crystal

"What did you do to Hagger and how do you know her name?" Zarkon shouted scaring his commander and his Lieutenant

"I kill her and now she going to be reborn where she could be happy and feel safe," I said as seeing Sendak and the other holding their weapons out

"No need to be hostile I'm just here to claim what mine," I smirk as I open my palm as five bracelets appear

"No need to be hostile I'm just here to claim what mine," I smirk as I open my palm as five bracelets appear

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The bracelets flew straight toward Zarkon, Sendak, Throk, Hepta, and Haxus attaching itself on their arm

"What the hell is this" Throk shout as he tries to pull the bracelet the off.

"Why won't it come off" Throk yell as he tried to pull it harder making me sigh

"Yeah you can't remove it only I can," I said as they glare at me

"What are you planning?" Zarkon growled as I look at them

"Will since I had nothing to do I'm just going to stay here until I have something to do," I said as turn into my kitsune form laying beside the throne as Zarkon sat back down on his throne

Dang who will think that I a hybrid will be in the Voltron series and now that I got rid of hoverva everything is going to change I thought as I lay my head on my front paw closing my eye until I felt someone putting me as letting out a purr.

Zarkon POV

I sat on my throne looking at the creatures that was laying beside my throne.

"My lord, what do we do with her?" Sendak asks looking at her as I look at her. I notice how fluffy she look as I place my hand her head and began petting her but what surprised me was that she was purring.

"She purring," Hepta point out as I continue to pet her

"I'm surprised that a creature like her could purr," Throk said as he came up and sat beside her

"She feels so warm and soft," Throk said as he began to doze off as Sendak, Hepta, and Haxus look at throk shock as Y/n look up at me before looking at throk as she licks throk cheek going back to her sleep as her tail wrap around throk as a little creature appear.

"Why is there a ting version of her?" Haxus ask as the little creatures up

"Hey that means and excuse me I'm a fox" it shouted as it huff

"Then what is she?" Sendak point at Y/n

"She a kitsune angel a powerful hybrid breed from two different race," it said as it stretches it back before disappearing

"Well, at least we know what she is," Hepta said as I sigh

"I want you guy to do some research on her and burn Hagger body," I command them

"Understood sir Vrepit Sa" Sendak, Hepta and Haxus said as Haxus went to wake Throk up from his nap as they left the throne room, leaving me and Y/n alone in this room.

"Look like thing are getting more interesting," I smirk as I continue to pet her

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