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Kitsune 🦊:

Enhance strengthen and speed

Fast reflexes

Enhance healing

Super coordination

Kitsunetsuki-  Possessed woman



Accelerated Healing: Kitsunes have an advanced healing factor, they can heal much faster than humans and are able to sustain much more extensive physical injuries, broken bones, gashes, gunshot wounds without danger of dying. In order to use this ability, Kitsunes must first activate it.

Flawless Indestructibility: Kitsune with this ability have no physical, spiritual or mental weaknesses giving them immunity to everything harmful, essentially making them indestructible.

Infinite Supply:a Kitsune is able to possess an unlimited supply of any essential. For example, a Kitsune could cause a canteen to never run out of water, or a notebook to never run out of paper.

Weapon Proficiency: Kitsune with this ability need only to pick up a weapon before they instantly become proficient in it. The first time they pick up a sword, they can spar with masters, the first time they use a bow, they can hit bulls-eyes. Even alien, magical, or other weaponry that they should not understand comes naturally to them. Kitsune can understand and use any and all weapons with the proficiency of a master.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Kitsune can rapidly regenerate. In other words, they recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs, even stopping, aging. The rate and amount of healing varies widely (see Levels of Regeneration), Kitsune can regrow missing limbs, can put the limb back in place for rapid regeneration. They are generally in very good physical shape as their bodies are constantly reverting to healthy state, granting them inexhaustible stamina and vitality.

Immutability: Kitsune has absolute protection from any alteration or change, regardless of the source or cause, other than their own and retain the state they currently are.

Absolute Athleticism: Kitsune possess limitless athletic skills, they have reached the absolute highest levels in speed, explosiveness, power, quickness, and other various athletic abilities than normal members of their species can ever hope to attain.

Molecular Oscillation: Kitsune can vibrate the molecules of living (including themselves) and non-living matter at high speed, enabling them to pass through or harden other molecules. kira can vibrate her molecules using her super speed to escape containment such as cages or handcuffs.

Impale: Kitsune of this power can pierce through almost any sort of substance or form of defense with either a weapon or claws.

Unrestricted Movement: Kitsune can fluidly move around in just about any environment or conditions, allowing feats such as kicking off any/all surfaces including intangible and ever-changing surfaces. They can move with complete ease on land, air, water or anything else.

Enhanced Physical Attributes: Kitsune are faster, stronger and much more agile than normal humans. When they are disguised as people, they are often known for battling on all fours - sometimes even sprouting a tail if they let themselves get out of control - and being recognized as nothing but a shimmer constantly hitting left and right.

Super Stamina:The Kitsune possesses remarkable physical energy, stamina and vitality, is essentially untiring and can keep working, fighting, mowing, etc. at optimal efficiency under any circumstances and for an unlimited duration.

Angel 😇 ability:

Angelic Possession - As disembodied spiritual beings, angels can inhabit the body of any living creature and use it as their own. However, they must have the vessels permission, basically, they need the vessels to say 'yes'.

Telepathy- Angels can communicate psychically as well as hear and read minds and thoughts and also possess a telepathic union among themselves called "angel radio" which they can access and block out at will. They can also experience the dreams and emotions of others.

Soul Removal - Angels can rip the souls out of living humans.

Molecular manipulation - Angels can perceive, move, and change the molecular structure of matter. Angels are known to have turned people and even whole cities into salt.

Sonic Cry - Angels can raise their voice to ear-shattering levels.

Invisibility - Angels can alter human perception to appear invisible and to make no sound.

Superhuman Agility - Angels can cling to sheer surfaces and move with flawless grace, balance, and dexterity.

Weather Manipulation - They can influence the weather and storms.

Healing Touch - By touching a person, angels can cure any bodily wound or disease.

Superhuman Senses - Angels possess heightened senses.

Cosmic Awareness - Angels have a conscious awareness of all things that happen.

Resurrection - They can raise the souls of the dead from the afterlife. Angels can even bring the dead back to life. However, they must know where all the pieces of the original body are, and they must have the soul of the subject. 

Dream Walking - Angels can appear in people's dreams, they usually use this to communicate, when they can't find the person they're looking for, or want to talk privately.

Protective Charm - An angel can protect an individual from most forms of physical damage. This degree of protection is linked to an angel's power. Castiel was able to prevent his vessel Jimmy Novak from burning his hand in a pot of boiling water as a sign of faith. Raphael was capable of making Crowley immune to Castiel's angelic killing touch.

This ability was requested by Marvel1Maidens

Anodite from Ben ten

Mana Manipulation
Innate Magical Abilities
Limited Reality Warping
Dimensional Travel
Astral Projection
Body Creation
Size Alteration
Prehensile Hair
Enhanced Strength
Enhanced Durability

By me:

Summoning fox



Technical manipulation

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