Chapter Four

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We changed into our pyjamas later that night and got comfortable on the couch in the living room with our favourite, old-school chocolate ice-cream and popcorn

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We changed into our pyjamas later that night and got comfortable on the couch in the living room with our favourite, old-school chocolate ice-cream and popcorn.
Ice-cream is a non-negotiable if I have to survive through this conversation.
"So, which movie do you wanna watch?" I ask hoping that Sharon might just spare me some time before we dive right into the heavy stuff.
She just gave me a 'girl, seriously' side look and before I could even comprehend another way to divert this conversation, she says, "There is so way we are watching a movie when I am seeing or for that matter, talking to my best friend after three years."
I sighed. Before I could reply, she continues, "And listen, before you say anything, I want to clear the air. I know that you didn't want to leave like this and I know that you wanted to come back as much as we wanted you to be here. I am not mad or upset; I just missed you a lot. I didn't think that when we said good-bye three years ago, I would not be hearing from you or seeing you for the next three years but I can't comprehend how difficult this was for you and I will be a horrible best friend if I didn't understand why you did what you did."
I thought I'll be all dried up after already crying twice in a day but I couldn't stop my tears after listening to her.
"I don't know how I got so lucky to have friends like you and Seth and I am so sorry for being a horrible friend. I know you were giving me space to cope with all this but I shouldn't have abandoned everyone like this. I mean, so much happened in these past years that I missed. You and Seth got together, you started your residency and here I was, on a three-year vacation."
"I don't think getting your graduate degree from Cambridge is a vacation. What happened that night also doesn't happen to everyone, K! It's alright." She replies consoling me.
"Yeah, but everyone was still here. Mum, Sam and.." I suddenly pause taking a deep breath while still crying.
"and Liam." She finishes the sentence for me and continues, "You were 18, K. Give yourself a little break. You dealt with it in the best way you knew was possible. No one is upset at you for trying to get over the events of that night."
She looks at me calmly and after a moment, as if reading my mind, she adds, "Not even Liam."
I hugged her so tightly and say, "I don't know how I managed without you these years. I am sorry. Thank you, I love you."
"Aww, I love you too babe. Now, enough with the crying. Tell me everything about Cambridge. Any hot boys hitting on you?" she says playfully as we break our hug.
I chuckled while wiping my tears with the sleeve of tee. "None. Now tell me everything about you and Seth. I was so excited when Mum told me. I can't believe I missed all my chances to annoy you about this."
"Well, you're here now." She says winking.

We go on talking about what I missed while I was at Cambridge and what life was like at Cambridge and how much things have changed, still avoiding all topics related to Liam.
"Now, that you have all the tea. Can we go back to talking about you?" Sharon says as she finishes telling me about how Seth asked her out.
"I just told you everything."
"Seriously?" she says rolling her eyes at me.
"So, we are not going to talk about Liam at all?"
I sigh loudly.
This is going to be hard. Here goes nothing.
"I haven't even had this conversation with myself." I say resting my head on my hand at the head of the couch as I face her.
"The look in your eyes pretty much said it all. You know, when you heard that Liam can't come today."
I avert my eyes from her remembering how my heart sank when Seth told me Liam was in London and or the look on Liam's face when he saw me in the parking lot. I rub my temple and I take a deep breath, "I do miss him Sharon. I mean, how can I not? There is nothing more that I want than to things to go back to how they were three years ago. But I don't know how to do that with all that happened."
"Kiera, what happened, affected everybody here. I know it has been the hardest on your relationship.."
"It wasn't a relationship." I say immediately interrupting her.
"You know we are way past the moment where I call what you and Liam have as friendship but alright." She says with a wave of a hand and continues, "I know that your "friendship" was the worst affected by it all and I don't even know how one can find a way around it. But Sarah and Sam did. Luke did. I know, I know, it was worse for you but you need to move on. At least, you need to try to."
I closed my eyes taking it all in. It was like a flashback and a reality check.
"Believe me, Sharon, I am trying."
"I know babe, I know you are. Don't worry about Liam. Once you get past this phase, you will be back to normal."
I don't know what normal is anymore.
"If only."

I woke up next morning to find Sharon already gone as she had an early session. Having nothing planned for the day, I thought to go downstairs and watch something on Netflix. As I am getting ready after my shower, I remember my conversation with Sharon last night and how I really need to go face Liam now.
I don't know how yet.
With all these thoughts still occupying my mind, I finish getting dressed up and go downstairs to find Mum rummaging throw a pile of papers.
"What are you looking for?" I ask her.
"This paper, a student wrote on super-symmetry."
Mum is a tenured professor at Oxford, most of her family is a part of the University, hence, the decision to settle here.
"I'll help you find it."
"Never mind. Found it" she said with a sigh of relief, picking up a thick pile of sheets bound together.
"I need to go. We have spaghetti from last night in the fridge. Also Sam told me that pops was asking about you today so make sure you stop my Liam's pl..", she stops abruptly realizing what she just asked me.
"It's okay Mom. He is not Voldemort. You can say his name and I'll go see Pops. I missed him."
"Okay, darling." She says as she gently strokes my cheek and then picks up her things to leave for work.
"I'll see you later, Bye." She calls from the door.
I put on an episode of The Big Bang Theory while mentally preparing myself to just cross the street and go to his house. For all I know, he might not be back from London yet.
I hope he is.


Authors's Note:

Hello Lovely People, 
Here's the four chapter of my story where you actually get to  meet Sharon.  I understand if things like the incident everyone keeps referring to in the story is becoming repetitive and you all want to know what it's about but please be patient and give me a chance.  The entire incident is imperative to the plot of the story and you will know everything soon enough.

There's a lot of exciting stuff coming now. We will finally see Liam and Kiera  meeting in the next chapter. I hope to update soon within the coming week. 

PS: My spelling such as pyjamas or favourite or use of words like fridge (refrigerator) are keeping in mind that the characters are British.

Hope you like it.
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Happy Reading ❤❤
Stay safe.

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