Part 28: Patience

Start from the beginning

P: Mommy, it's your turn!

You're back to reality when Peter asks you to move on Snakes and Ladders game that you're playing with him and Kate on Kate's floor. Kate decided to stay for a while because you need your best friend the most right now even if it's hard for her to meet Steve and Natasha. You smile at Peter and roll the dice. You get two and you reach the finish line.

P: How can you win all the time?!

K: Wow.. do you have a hidden talent on snakes and ladders that I don't know about?

Y/n: I'm just lucky.

You pinched Peter's cheek and smile at him. You smile and try to be happy around Peter to make everything seems normal while on your mind there is only how you and Tony can go to the normal after what happened.

Y/n: Should we play again?

P: No. I don't like this games, it's not challenging.

K: Wow... someone is growing up. What kind of game you think is challenging?

P: Like Scrabble or Chess.

K: Huh? You think you are that smart?

Kate strokes Peter's head and Peter just smile at her. You get up off the floor and asks Peter to bed since tomorrow he will have lesson with J.A.R.V.I.S to keep him keep up with what they teach at school.

Y/n: Alright, A little grown up smart boy, It's time to sleep. You have lesson with J.A.R.V.I.S tomorrow.

P: but, I still want to play!

Y/n: You can't sleep late tonight, you don't want to sleep and give J.A.R.V.I.S a hard time on the first day of your lesson, right?

Peter sighs.

P: Alright...

He stands up and take your hand.

K: Good night, Pete.

P: Good night, Aunt Kate.

Kate is tidying the game and you want to bring Peter to his room. You find a room to be his bedroom for a while now and not using Kevin's room because it just feel not quite right. You're on your way to Peter's room when suddenly the elevator open and Tony steps off. You and him are changing gaze while Peter is still holding your hand and silently watching both of you. You just look at Tony for a while and hold yourself not to throw yourself to him. You can hear Kate is standing and clears her throat. She must feels like she is in an awkward position now.

P: Mommy? Should I go to my bedroom alone?

You break your gaze at Tony when you hear Peter is asking you. You try to keep everything normal in front of Peter but Peter is a smart boy. He knows there is something wrong with you and Tony. You look at Peter and want to answer him when Kate suddenly comes to you and takes Peter's hand.

K: I'll go with you. I want to go to my bedroom too. I'm sleepy.

Kate pretend to yawn. You don't know who she tries to convince that she is sleeping because Peter and Tony will probably knew that is a fake yawn.

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