Mourning Clothes

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Wei Wuxian was bored as he usually was in the cloud recesses, his husband had gone to teach classes. So he was stuck in the jingshi. Rolling around on the floor an idea struck him. "Tian Zi Xiao! Yes, Lan Zhan's secret stash". Rolling over to the secret floor compartment, Wei Wuxian pries it open. Picking up a Jar he shakes it a little to check if there is any liquid inside. Luckily the swish of the alcohol is heard.

Now that he had alcohol in his system, he was going to snoop some more. (A/N Not that he needed alcohol to snoop XD) Looking around the Jingshi he came across a small cupboard with drawers. (A/N I don't think Wangji has a cupboard like this but we can pretend) Looking inside he found Lan Zhan's pristine neatly folded clothes.

Wei WuXian Sighed " Aiya! Lan Zhan you haven't changed one bit still as clean and meticulous as always". He looked through all the drawers and happened upon a set of clothes very familiar. "This should be fun" Wei Wuxian thought. Picking up the clothes he admired them. They were Lan Zhan's robes from when he was a teen. Reminiscing to those times again. Back then he had no clue of Lan Zhan's feelings. That's right in his previous life he even thought the other male hated him. Clutching onto the clothes he smiles wildly.

"Time to surprise Lan Zhan!", quickly undressing and putting on the robes. "No way, did I shrink that much?!" Mo Xuanyu's body was indeed smaller than his previous life's body but Wei Wuxian didn't realise how much smaller it was until now. The robes hung loosely on his body and dragged along the floor as he walked around. Walking outside he looked into a stream of water at his reflection. There was something missing though. "Hmmm I don't have a forehead ribbon..." walking back into the jingshi he rummages through the drawer.

"Ahah! Found you!" fishing out Lan Zhan's old forehead ribbon. He swiftly runs back out to the stream and makes sure the forehead ribbon is tied straight. Finally fixing it on correctly, Wei Wuxian looks at his reflection. "Hmmm, not bad. Not bad at all."

Standing up again Wei Wuxian decides to find his husband. It should be about time that class ended. Walking towards the Lanshi, he was stopped by a familiar face. Though a little startled at first, the older man continued smiling. "Young master Wei, it seems you have gotten yourself into mischief again"

"Argh Xichen, Please don't tell Lan Qiren. We don't need anymore rules on the wall." he said as he pleaded with Lan Xichen. Xichen looked at Wei Wuxian and reminisced about the times that the teen had studied at the cloud recesses. The times his brother had to deal with his teasing and even getting punished from Wei Wuxian's antics. Letting out a soft giggle, he stopped Wei Wuxian from begging. "Don't Worry I won't tell, but Wangji won't be so happy that his old robes are dragging across the floor." A smile appeared on Wei Wu Xian's face, "I will cross that bridge when I get to it". With a small wink Wei Wuxian left Lan Xichen and again made his way to the Lanshi.


The juniors were sitting in the classroom listening to Han Guangjun. Jingyi was ready to bolt out as soon as Han Guangjun dismissed them. Sizhui and Jingyi had promised Jin Ling they were going to go on a night hunt a few days ago. Even Jin Ling's uncle Jiang Cheng said he would come along. Mostly because he didn't want Jin Ling to get hurt, But no one needed to know that.

Jingyi was waiting patiently through the readings, the chapter was almost over and then it was go time. Holding onto his brush he was ready to pack up, that was until Han Guangjun started reading the start of the next chapter. Jingyi looked over at Sizhui and even his friend looked a bit disappointed. His friends shoulders slumped and he was fighting the temptation to do so as well. This lesson was never going to end. Luckily a certain someone was running up the stairs to disturb their teacher.


Wei Wuxian finally made it to the stairs leading up to the Lanshi. "hah, why is the cloud recesses so big. Oh well, I'm here now." He bounced his way up the stairs, he could hear the sound of his husband reading out a chapter of a book. Boring he thought. Finally making it to the entrance, he took a deep breathe. No one had noticed his presence yet but not for long.

"LAN ZHAN!!!" he shouted. Everyone in the room freezing. Lan Wangji almost dropped his book from the sudden noise. Everyone turned to the disturbance. Confused looks crossed their faces. There was a person in Gusu Lan Sect Robes, but not someone they recognised. Until Jingyi and SiZhui gasped.

"Eh, Senior Wei?!" this had shocked everyone. Wei Wuxian normally clad in red and black robes was wearing Gusu Lan Sect Robes. Wei Wuxian seeing all the surprised disciple's faces was amused. Twirling around he said "How do I look?" Which got all the junior disciples to stand up and crowd around him. Bombarding him with questions. "Where did you get those robes", "Why the sudden change of robes" "Yeah, you complained last time that they looked like mourning clothes". Wei Wuxian stuck in the middle was overwhelmed. He peeked over the crowd of disciples to his husband. Who was still processing what was happening. His mouth even opened and shut a few times. That's until he saw Wei Ying's slightly panicked face.

"Class dismissed, we will continue next lesson", he said loudly. Causing the disciples to rush back to their desks and quickly pack up their brushes. Jingyi and Sizhui weren't staying any longer even though they were the most curious about Wei Wuxian's change of robes. They had known not to keep Jin Ling waiting, they didn't want to have to follow two grumpy people around the whole night hunt.

Giggling a little at the disciples that were bolting out of the room. Wei Wuxian turned back to his husband, a cheeky smirk on his face. "Lan Zhan, How do I Look?". Lan Wangji looked at Wei Wuxian from head to toe. His eyes picking up that it was his old robes from when he was a teen. Finally landing onto the bottom of the robes he held back a grimace. Wei Wuxian had picked up all sorts of dirt and twigs by dragging the robes across the ground to get here.

"So, do I look good or are you going to keep staring?" Lan wangji looked back up to Wei Wuxian's face. "Mn... Looks good."

"eh, that's it nothing else to say, I dressed up just for you" before Wei Wuxian could continue speaking, Lan Wangji picked him up bridal style. (A/N YESSSS, YESSSS *Shakes furiously) "Wait, Lan Zhan what are you doing, I can walk by myself" Wei Wuxian panicked a little but Lan Wangji's arms were clutched tightly around him so he eased his struggling. Instead of saying anything. Lan Wangji walked straight out of the Lanshi and didn't stop till he got back to the Jingshi. He put Wei Wuxian down and promptly went to the bathroom preparing a bath. Stepping back towards Wei Wuxian. He stripped the other male and carried him once again putting him into the bath he just prepared. Then going to soak his old robes that were stained. Coming back to Wei Wuxian, who was enjoying the bath. Wei Wuxian looked up and to his surprise Wangji was getting undressed. "Wait! Wangji what are you doing?" Wangji walking up to the tub got in. It was Wei Wuxian's turn to be flustered. Sitting still, he watched Wangji relax his tense muscles in the tub. Deciding to let Wangji destress by himself, he got out and went to retrieve his old robes. Before he got to put them on though, Wangji had come back into the room and wrapped Wuxian in another set of his old robes. "Eh, Lan Zhan you liked me wearing this that much?" he giggled.


Hehehehehehe, WangXian's version of boyfriend shirt. Honestly I loved writing this. Hopefully you guys enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it.

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