taemon | vacation

Start from the beginning

"Is there something on my face?"

"No- You're just," He stands up, walking over to him to bend down slightly, their noses touching and greedy hands coming to grip his waist, "You're just beautiful. You know that?"

"No, I don't think I do." He has a cheeky grin, and Namjoon knows he only does this to get a kiss, a small peck, so he gives him more. More passion in the way his lips envelope his, and how they move slowly and the wet sounds louden with the movements. Gives him more love than he intended on receiving.

They smile when they pull away, and he sees Taehyung bite his lip before diverting his eyes to look him in his, "You know now?"

His hand runs up his chest and shoulders, "Yeah," he whispers and wraps the wondering hand around the back of his neck, bringing him in for another short, but sweet kiss, "I do." The words, those three words were bubbling in his chest, agonizingly taunting him and threatening to spill from his lips; they burn. "Where we going?" Taehyung skin rises in goosebumps with the way Namjoon's hands are stroking his waist, holding him close to him and Namjoon savors that feeling. The feeling of unspoken validation of mutual feelings and love.

"Wanna take you to eat," He pecks his lips again, "And walk the streets with you, dance with you, just spend time with you." Taehyung smiles and kisses him deeper this time, "Or we can do something you'd like, if you'd rather do something else."

"No, Id like that. I think it's perfect," his other hand comes to play with the material of his shirt, "Like you." They both giggled, but no matter how cliché and cheeky it was to say, it made his heart happy, and Taehyung could feel it. Could feel the way his heart fluttered underneath his touch on his left pec.

Namjoon leans down one last time, to leave a lingering kiss on his lips, before saying to him in a soft tone, "C' mon angel, we should go eat before it gets too late." And as much as he'd like to kiss him, and hold him, they had all night to do that.

They eat, sitting across from each other, holding hands across the table while they wait. Namjoon studies Taehyung while he does the same. Studies how he has one hand stretched out, while the other is holding his chin in the palm of his hand, resting it gingerly while batting his eyelashes at him while his cheeks flush red, causing his heart to flutter.

He loves him.

Taehyung notices those eyes, but basks in the attention, and basks in the way he gets flustered as those brown eyes pierce through him.

And he loves him too.

But they don't know that. It was still unspoken, because neither of them thought it was a good time to tell each other, no matter how much they felt it.

When they leave, the sun has set, and the golden lights with an amber ambiance radiate from the light posts, lighting to beige stone of the streets of Venice. It's a very romantic, sensual setting, Namjoon thinks, and it only made him bring Taehyung in by the waist while they were walking, his arm nothing up to wrap around his shoulders and bringing him in to kiss his forehead.

This night felt, different to the both of them. Not in a way where they felt feelings of regret, or anything failing under the category of bad, but the atmosphere was more, heavy. Their passions were fully coming out to show, only one more way where they haven't come out yet, and it's that feeling that's setting within their stomachs. They can feel the sexual tension, and passion building between them, the wall that was building thick from the moment they kissed each other earlier that evening.

But, of course, they didn't voice that to each other, just decided to let whatever happens, to happen on its own. Sometimes romance is better when you let it run the course of time, it's meant to be that way.

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