Chapter 3 - We're all going to die.

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We're all going to die. We don't get much say over how or when, but we do get to decide how we're gonna live. I jumped to my feet as I raced forward trying to reach the baseball bat I had started carrying around two days ago. Newt made his way for his dad's old gun. Only we were short on bullets. "NATE GET UP!" I screamed as I made eye contact with the first mad man who was wobbling to his feet. The crazed human shook his head mad then screamed as he charged for me. I tightened my grip against the wood of the bat and swung. 

I could hear a shot go off behind me then another. I let out a sigh when the man I had hit finally stopped moving I turned to look towards the boys. "We have to get out of here! We can't waste bullets!" I yelled and went to join then when I was tackled from behind. I let out a cry of fear as a cold body slammed on me. I twisted and threw up my arms in defence the women seemed different. Her hair wasn't falling out or pulled out. Her eyes seemed slightly normal but yet something about her movements declared she was one of them... just not as gone. "KIll me. Please don't let me turn into them!" She screamed at me as her spit hit my face I jerked away from her trying to get away. "Please! Please!!" She screamed as she began to shake me. The gun went off again and she went limp. I pushed her off looking up to see almost a dozen more inside the house. "MOVE!" Newt screamed as he grabbed my arm hard pulling me towards the back of the house in hopes of an escape.

Nate was ahead of us waving us on. "HERE!" He screamed and I rubbed my hand against my face trying to clean off the craze women's spit. What if I have it now. Is that how it works? Could I go crazy now... We raced out the back door see a few rummaging in the yard. It was as if they were searching for something. "Come on!" Newt screamed as his hand tighten around my arm. We took off at a fast run. I could hardly keep up. Newt had always been the best runner in school. Our track coach always picked him for events. I stumbled and he pulled me up harshley. I looked over my shoulder but I couldn't see any crazies chasing us. Nate let out a sigh of relief. "Can we stop?" He huffed out of breath as he tried his best to keep up as well. 

Newt finally slid to a stop checking the area then we all began breathing heavy. "We left our bags." Nate whinned about the loss of supplies. "Nate! We almost lost our bloody lives get your head of the clouds!" Newt yelled at him. I knew he wasn't really angry only mad and hurt. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the hard cement road. "We'll find more supplies." I said as I clung to my lucky bat. "It's just bullshit." Nate cursed trying to sound tough as he crossed his arms. He peek over to see if Newt would yell again but my best friend was worn out. He sat down across from me and looked up at the night sky. without as many people living in town there wasn't as many lights on. You could see the stars so perfectly. 

"The little things." I whispered and both boys looked at me like I was clearly turning into a crazie. I pointed up to the stars. "Lifes short right. And right now its really messed up but maybe its to make us slow down and see the little things." Newt grinned at my words and looked up at the stars too. "The little things huh?" He asked and gave a laugh I puffed up my cheeks made that he was laughing at me. "No! Your right. I see it now. The little things." He whispered in awe and I couldn't help but smile. He looked as peaceful as he did when we were kids. Nate shook his head. "Bunch of crazies we have here." This time Newt and I laughed really hard knowing Nate wouldn't understand. 

"B-breaking ... Coming straight from... London." It was a very staticy voice that spoke causing all my hairs to stand up I looked around knowing the noise instatally. "A radio!" Newt yelped and we all took off to find it. It kept cutting in and out. "Deadly disease...Thousands effected... can't stop... called the flare." 

We reached a shaded building and Newt pointed towards a trash can that sat right outside of the building. A small old school raido sat right ontop of the trash can's lid. "Surpised it even works." Nate mumbled I began twisting at the nobs remembering seeing one in a old shelter I lived in. Slowly the broadcast became very clear. "Government officals have been pulled out, delcaring this a world wide epadmic. Sciences have announced there is no cure as of yet." We stood in a semi circle around the radio taking in every word. "The flare starts in the brain and begins destorying it until they are  past the gone." Nate repeated the last part as I whispered the word 'Flare.' Newt leaned forward to listen better.

"Symptoms areirrational behavior, metal instablity, mood-swings, extreme anger and irritation paranoia. Along with animalistic behaviors. They are not afraid to harm themsleves and have been reported to resurt to canablism." I felt my breath catch only for my heart to stop for a moment when I heard his voice for the first time. "And what in the world do you think your doing with my Radio!?" We all jumped and Nate tripped falling to his back. A guy stepped out of the building very slow as he reached over clicking the radio off. He walked towards us as the moon light hit his figure. It was easy to tell he was close to his mid twenties. He had a beard that covered most of his face but you could still see his dimples even if he wasn't smiling. "W-were sorry. We are just leaving." Newt said as he reached for me. Something about this man made me want to stay. "Your not one of them." I whispered.

"And you girlie are the smartest one out of the three of you." He said then let out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Look. I've been on my own for a week now. Seems I've lost my manners." He took off his baseball cap and held it to his chest. "Name is Derrick. You folks seem to needs some guidance." We're all going to die. We don't get much say over how or when, but we do get to decide how we're gonna live.  

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