Chapter 2 - Fence you In

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At some point you have to make decisions. Boundaries don't keep other people out. It only fences you in. The three of us stood there with water dripping off of us, leaving a puddle at our feet. The crazed man laid dead on the stair case as his own red puddle formed around him. "Come on lets get to the kitchen and find our dinner." Newt said very casuallly as he began to walk down the stairs. I looked back to Nate, whatever bravery he had was gone and only fear remained. "Come on." I whispered feeling bad that a ten year old had to see all of this. I slowly stepped over the dead man scared any minute he would snap awake and destory me. 

Once we made it to the kitchen Newt had already opened all the cuboards and now stood in the middle of the British homesytle kitchen, holding up a large can of beans. "Lucky day!" He shouted with joy to see the original home owners didn't take everything with them when they left. We raced forward and began to bounce as we waited for him to open it. The can made a stange snap sound as the lid finally peeled off. I reached over grabbing three spoons as I past them out. We began scarfing down the cold beans. I never thought there would be a day I'd split cold beans, raw from the can with Nate and Newt. We let nate scrap the bottom for whatever may be left and then we stood hungry staring at each other. It was the most we ate in two days which was honsetly horrible. But when the outbreak happened so many people packed up the food and took off. It's too dangerous to even dare go near the local stores. That's where the half crazies lived. 

"Let's get some rest. I'll take first shift." Newt said tossing the can towards the sink in anger. He walked ahead to start locking up every way inside the house. "I can take a shift this time." It was Nates small voice that spoke up trying to sound brave as his brother again. I shook my head and Newt spoke up for me. "No. Your still just a boy. You'll sleep through the night and no buts." With that I laid down on the hardwood floor as Nate huffed a sigh and sat down beside me. I closed my eyes as Newt finished securing the area around us and sat beside us. My memories washed over me instatally filling me with horrior. 

Newt tackled the crazy women off his mother. I rushed to his mother's side. "Are you alrigtht?" I asked seeing how bloody and banged up she was. "Watch out!" It was Nates young voice who screamed I looked up to see what looked like a dozen more people who looked just as mad. I began to pull the boys mother back inside the house dragging her wounded body she let out a cry of pain. "NEWT!!! GET INSIDE!" I Screamed for my best friend who was beating the craze person who attacked his mother half to death. It was something I had never seen in my gentle friend but as much as he loves his mother I couldn't put it past him. "NEWT!" I screamed again as the mad men got closer by the second. 

"Aaliyah." It was Newt's soft voice that broke me from the horrible dream. Only it wasn't a dream. I looked up to see his face smiling down at me. "Having another nightmare?" He asked as consern covered his face. I sat up careful not to wake Nate. "Yeah... sorry I just cant get these memeories out of my head." I confessed he held up an arm and I rushed to his side, tucking myself under his arm as I laid my head on his chest. "I don't think we will ever lose these past memeories." He whispered softly and I only nodded my head as I let out a sigh. "Maybe if you sing the song it will help." Newt asked and I knew he was refering to the old one I would always sing him before bedtime. I smiled at the plesant memeory. "Just close your eyes, The sun is going down, You'll be alright, No one can hurt you now, Come morning Light, You and I'll be safe and sound." I whispered the last lyrics as my memeories over wrapped my mind once again as I mindlessly sang off the rest. 

Newt raced inside just as the first person from the group reached the bottom steps. We slammed the door shut locking it. The sound that came next was clearly sounds of them slamming their whole bodies against the door without a care in the world of the pain that it must be causing them. I jumped back in fear then looked down to see Newt hugging his mother close the most darling women in the whole world was already bleeding to death. I fell to my knees besides both of them as Nate cried like I wounded animal I scooped his hand up in both of my hands. "NO! Mum!! Please. You can't leave us here." Newt cried out as tears rolled down his face. Seeing the boy I grew up with and the man I was coming to love cry was destorying what was left of my heart. "Newton." She whispered with a smile as she reached up tossling his hair then her hand fell back down to the ground and it was as if the sparkle in her eye began to fade.

"Don't you dare look outside, Darling." I took in a breath as I shook my head trying to throw off the memory. "Everything's on fire, The war outside our door keeps raging on, hold on to this lullaby, even when music's gone... gone gone." I sang the last of it and closed my eyes. "Thank you." Newt whispered and I looked up at him. "For what?" I asked softly. "For staying with us. When we needed you the most. I couldn't have survived this long without you. Who knows what would of happened to Nate and me-" I cut him off as I placed my hand over his mouth as I looked up at him. Our noses were almost touching. "You were the one to save me when I was only five remember. It was your bravery that kept those men from beating me to death. Because you I'm here today. You and Nate will always be my forever family." I Whispered with a warm smile. "We have been through so much." Newt whispered then said. "We can't keep hiding in homes. We have to find a better place... Maybe there are more survivors out there?" I smiled seeing how enthused he was I went to agree with him when I heard the most awful sound. The sound of human bodies smashing through the windows. At some point, You have to make a Decision. Boundaries don't keep other people out. They FENCE you in.

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