Chapter 2

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"Hey!! Are you here for a photoshoot?"

God, please kill me.

The hot guy was in front of him with a kind smile. 

"Wha..nonono. I come here for a friend but then she and my partner left me behind". Hope he didn't notice that he was watching him. 

"Oh, I see. My name's Akai Tsubasa, actor and model. A pleasure to meet you." he offered his hand.

"The pleasure is mine, I'm jack Jones, actor." Shaking his hands, they talked a while until Akai had to come back to the session.


 At 6 pm they finished recording, time to go home!

"Jones! there's a meeting in five minutes"


"uhhhh, we'll wait you?" the assistant walked away sweating. Best to keep away.

Exhausted, Jack went to the meeting room hoping it to be fast. Inside, everyone were chatting waiting for the Director. King and Queen called him to sit.


One hour.

One damn hour lasted the meeting. Completely tired he went to his room and jumped right to his bed. 

Ok, tomorrow we'll star the next episode until 3 pm, then I have a interview along with Hachi, and finally record a promotion.

He can do this.

I wonder if his schedule is busy as mine.

Remembering his first encounter with the redheaded, Jack smiled excited. He finally met his favorite actor, soon he will manage to be famous like him.

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