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"H-Huh...? W-What? Where am I?"

I jump out of my bed and rub my eyes hastily as my mind attempts to process my surroundings. A heavy feeling stirs within my chest as I let out a deep sigh—a lingering feeling of... sadness? Regret? Gradually, I begin to recall what I woke up from.

"W-What the hell was that dream just now? That wasn't real?!" I exclaim to myself. "What the hell? It even felt so vivid but I can barely even remember what happened."

Is that rain I hear? It sure is a heavy one.

"Morning, huh? It feels so weird. It's as if I was asleep for a long time."

I take a deep sigh as I lie back to my bed—yet at that moment, my mind was suddenly ravaged by a wave of memories—memories from that dream, coming back to me like a bright, single flash of light.

"Ughh... I remember now...! But I still can't recall all of it. I... I was with three people. Two guys and a girl... A girl? She feels somehow familiar." I sit upon my bed and slump against a wall to focus on what I'm able to remember from that dream.

Eyes closed, I let out a deep sigh and immerse myself with what my mind is preoccupied after.

A few moments have passed—and without my notice, I fall into a trance.

Scenes of important events from the dream appear in my subconscious mind, while I spectate all of it from a third-person's perspective. My heart then grows heavier by each passing scene—and I wake up.

"I... I remember... I remember now, but who was that girl? Why can't I remember her name? Who was she and why does this heart of mine long for her ever so painfully?"

Why is it raining so heavily early in the morning?

"I don't think I'll ever forget of this dream, no matter how less sense it makes."

I finally stand up and head out of my room to fulfill my daily routine.

Drink a glass of warm water.
Wash my face.
Eat breakfast.
Do chores.
Take a bath.
Dress up.
Head out for school.

Almost running late, I dash through the turnstile and head for my classroom which was three floors up, hoping that our teacher hasn't arrived yet.

I pause for a moment and hastily fix my hair by looking at my reflection from a window when I arrived at the front door of my classroom. I fix my expression that fits my usual persona in school, then I turn the doorknob and pull it open, where I stumble upon my classmates that are busy chatting with each other and fiddling with their phones.

Some of them greet me with a glance, but one of my classmates approaches me with a charming smile.

"Good morning!" She says.

It was at this moment that I realized who that girl was from my dream.

"So it was you...!"

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"I had a bizarre dream last night and you were in it."

"What? Really?!" She says with surprise and excitement.

"Yeah! I actually remembered it just now."

"Well? What did I do in your dream though?"

"Well... about that..."

"What? Come on, tell me!"

"We were... couples."

"What? Are you serious?!" She exclaims, followed by a burst of hearty laughter.

"Yep... and actually, I plan on writing a story about it. Make sure you read it, okay?"

"Sure! I'll be the first one to read it."

I smile a bright yet detached smile as I settle myself in my armchair. She sits beside me right when our teacher finally arrived.

"It sure is weird that we were a couple in your dream, huh?" She says, followed a smile by which I feel uncertain of.

My mind begins to space out as I stare intensely at the ceiling. My desire to write a story based on that dream grows stronger the more I think of it.

It was so vivid, so vivid that I wish I never woke up from that dream.

I would give up this reality to live in that reverie, never caring for the possibility that it may just be nothing more than a mirage.

But do I truly feel that way?

The End.

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