Chapter Five

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After a delicious Lunch, Steve went with Harry to the Gym, wanting to see how it was nowadays, grinning from ear to ear in joy: He had made a friend, a Friend that could relate to him and his Horrors, and it was exciting him a lot, And as his Heart was running miles, Harry could literally feel Steves Blood rush, and he wasn't even touching him at all.
It made the green-eyed man worry for the blonde's health. Getting so excited over nothing can't be good.
Yet again, Steve wasn't really a normal Human, so strange behavior patterns should be 'normal', for both of them. With a shrug, Harry showed Steve around, and after what felt like hours of explaining what each device and equipment is for, They decided to do walk a few miles on the Treadmills, then do a little warm-up, a bit weightlifting, and then Boxing. All went well until Steve got a Boner, which is totally normal and can happen when doing sports! However, one of those wanna-be Musclemen did not seem to have ever heard of that and began to harass them from then on, calling them faggots, fairies, nancies, and Buggers. Funny, cause Harry knew for sure that Steve was straight as hell, and for Harry, he was Bi and was more into chubby dudes and gals, Muscles were a no-go. Can't two men be just friends?
The Other People that were at the Gym did not seem to pay attention at all, and Steve clearly was about to explode, so it was on Harry to do something. "What seems to be the problem, Sir?"

"Ya Ponce and your Sod! This is a Gym and not a Sex Club, go get all Horny somewhere south, like Hell!" barked the large slaphead, and Harry cringed slightly. Homophobes, urgh!
"My Bad, Sir. I did not know you never saw that, but some guys do get a hard-on when working out, and this has nothing to do with their sexuality. Now, since you are quite a Stud, I would have thought that you would have known that from own experience, but you must have used too many Steroids. Your ding dong doesn't work, huh?"

"YA FUCKING DICK-SLUT-"WHAM!!!!! With a loud crash, the Baldie hit the Ground, and Harry found Steve to have finally lost it, his fist still in the air, where it had collided with that horrible Mans Face... If you could call that Pig a Man. Security came to kick Steve out, however, talked Harry them out of this, and the two friends left at their own will, both quite on edge.

What a Prick.

"Hey, Steve?"
The Blonde seemed still bewildered and flustered, angry his little accident brought them into such a Situation, and Harry sighed as he had to call out for him again, startling him. "What? Yes, Harry?"

"You good? "

"Aye. Just a bit upset, I will manage." huffed the blue-eyed male, and both went back to Central Park, where they sat down at a bench. "I am terribly Sorry, that you had to save me from getting kicked out, but this, pardon me, Arsehole had it coming. To talk like this, not knowing anything about us or who we were, in a Time where Homosexuality is finally accepted by Society! Some People Really slept in as God was giving out Brains. Unbelievable!"

Chuckling, Harry agreed and watched as a bunch of Doves flew by."Thanks, Bud, for Standing up for us."

Steve raised a Brow. "Us? You are gay?"

"No." laughed Harry, his Voice drenched with bitter amusement."No, I am not. I am Bisexual, but his words still really hit me deep. Heterosexuals, Bisexuals, Queers, and Homosexuals, who cares? We are all worth the same! I was ready to crush his skull if he would have tried to touch you or me, but I had hoped that showing him with words how idiotic he was, would be enough. I was wrong. So, thank you."

 "No need to thank me, Harry! I mean it, I was really impressed by how you were handling the Situation and all, and I am glad that we are friends. I did not want to lose you because of someone idiotic like some Duchebag." assured Steve, visibly calmer."I am glad you trust me enough to tell me so much about you, It means a lot to me. If it helps, I am not quite sure about my own sexuality."

Harry frowned at that confused. "But you were, and still are, into Peggy Carter, are you not?"

The Blonde scratched his neck, releasing a nervous chuckle. "About that. Before I had met her, I had a yearlong crush on my Best friend Bucky. And as he died, compared to now, where I lost her too to Alzheimer's, I feel far sadder about Bucky. First Love doesn't die easily, you know? And it's not really that I would be into both either: I like Girls and Bucky. No other guy, but Bucky. If Bucky would be still alive, I would fall for him head over heels again, no matter how much he may have aged. His charming crooked grin would be all to bring me to fall and those damn Stormblue Eyes."

"Language!" giggled the Ravenshead, and laid his hand onto Steve Shoulder. "And that there seems to be some sort of Heteroflexibility. In other words, you may be a tiny bit Bisexual, my friend."
A smile spread on the elder male's lips, and he shook his head. "Now that I have an idea about what I am, all I need is my Bucky back. But that won't work, cause he is dead, because of me."

Harry slapped him over the Back of his head and glared at him angrily. "Don't be an Idiot, Steve! That he fell, Is not Your fault! And maybe you are lucky and he isn't dead, just lost!

"You are far too optimistic Harry, and a Phantasiast."

"No, I am not. I just have seen enough crazy stuff to know, that Fate always kicks one in the balls a few times, before giving one a chance to fight. Such a Word as 'Impossible' does not exist in its Dictionary."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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