Chapter Two

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After the session, which Hermione attended, as usual, to assist Harry with his nightmares and memories, Harry gathered everyone together to take some food with them. A few new faces were also present, making the two Bloodsiblings smile, as that meant that more came to come to get help.
"Ok, guys! The Ones in the red Boxes are with Bacon, the ones in the yellow one with chicken, and those in the green one are vegan. Yes, Otis, all are completely Wheat-free, don't worry about your Allergy. Oh, and Benjamin? Take a few more, I know you and your family are struggling right now." called Harry, a small smile in his face, and Hermione took his hand, assuring him that she was still there as she saw how he was struggling to keep composure. he gave her a side hug and they watched in serene happiness, as the group began to slowly fade into less and fewer people, saying Goodbye with full stomachs and small content smiles.

As always, Max walked over to thank them. "You two are great as always, Guys. Thanks for helping so much! I hope that the group Helps you too, Harry. You deserve it!"

Harry slyly bowed his head and grinned at him. "Yeah, they do. The Nightmares are still there, but its easier to cope with them now, knowing I am not alone."
Max laid his hand down at Harry's shoulder and gave him a lopsided grin. "Hey, you are not alone in there, Hadrian. We Soldiers have each others backs, and your sister is there for you too. Don't get any stupid Ideas now, ok? healing takes its time."

"I know. And I promise, Max. I won't die on you."

The two men smiled at each other and bid farewell, and Hermione packet the boxes back into her back then turned to Harry, a scolding tune on the tip of her tongue. "Shall we? I am sure you haven't even eaten breakfast yet, and its afternoon!"

 Harry shook his head and chuckled, then reached out for her, and she took his ever-trembling hand. Outside of the old Building, one of the Newbies walked up to them, with the constant steady Aura of a gentle giant, weaving. "Uhm, Hey. My name is Steven Rogers, and I just wanted to thank you for what you have done for them in there. I know some of us don't have it easy these days."

"No problem, Steve, the Name is Hadrian Potter, and this here is my Sister Hermione. Call me Harry, for short. Is there something you want to ask us?" Harry felt him tense, the eyes unsure, paranoid, but Harry could understand. They were strangers, and the way he is holding himself, tells him that he may have experienced something similar to Harry.
Steve was shaking slightly as he found his voice back, but he only whispered. That was ok, the two of them could still hear him after all."T-the way you talk about your experiences, and how you two clothe, you are... older then you look, aren't you?" The Ravenhead could see, that this had been no question Steven had wanted to ask, but smiled anyway, releasing Hermione from his grasp and laying the hand down onto Steves Shoulder instead. "You could say so. And you are too, are you not?"
A quick nod and Harry mentioned behind them, up the Street. "Then come with us, and we will speak about it over tea. Just to make sure, You aren't of the MoM*, or Hydra, are you?"

Steve paled and turned stiff, and Hermione felt him feel an unbearable amount of Hate, loss, and grief. "No, I am Not! Never would I join those filthy Nazi vermin! They killed my... my best friend." Hermione soothed his anger and took Harry's hand before he could lose himself in empathy and shared rage. "It's ok now, you two. Let's not speak about it here. let's go!"

And so they walked home, with a Soldier next to them, that was both, lost in time, and a Victim of Hydras greed. 

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