Chapter Three

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Ministery of Magic

Quiet it was, as Hermione made tea for each of them, and Harry watched Steve, that looked at the old yellowy stained photographs framed on the walls, that seemed to move whenever he looked away, holding characters that wore strange old-fashioned clothing. Some Pictures that did not seem to move, were stained with something that seemed to be blood, dried out and faded into a blackish brown. "Who... are those people? I-If I may ask, of course."

"My Family, and friends. The dirty pictures are those that belonged to my comrades that lost their lives in all those Battles, that should have cost mine." he was bitter and felt incomplete, but Hermione could not send her soothing energies over to him, for he was too dark and mighty for them to affect him from such distance. So he seethed until he felt her delicate hand on his arm. "Harry? Steve? The Tea is ready."

 The Dark lifted the Moment he felt her touch and her voice ringed in his ears, as he rubbed away his angry unshed tears, smiling brightly at Steve right away."Right! Would you like Honey, Sugar or milk in your Earl Grey?"

"Uh, Uhm, Honey, please." whispered Steve, suddenly shy, for he felt guilty for Harrys sudden wave of sorrow, and Hermione gave him a sympathetic smile, as they sat down at the dining table, the expensive tea set of porcelain between them, the smell of the brew relaxing the soul.

After each had taken a cup, one with honey, two with milk, and Harrys with loads of sugar, the Ravenhead took the word, his emerald eyes watching the photographs around, not meeting Steves' or Hermione's gaze. "I was in more Wars than I care to count. The people that I had worked with had some sort of time machine and worked with Hydra. I never knew, and thought that all this Horror was necessary for the greater good." He took another sip of his cup, and continued."They send me to wherever it was needed, to whatever time. I only realized I was on the wrong side when they send me to save Hitler and Dr. Johann Schmidt. I instead made sure that both found their end through their own hands, the most dishonorable way to die. I twisted Hitlers Mind and pushed him into Suicide, I overcharged the Tesseract with Energy, so he won't work properly, than witched Smidt to fall for his own greed and touch it. He got pulverized, I believe. As punishment, I was sent back, and they killed Hermione in front of my Eyes. What they did not know, for the case of one of my Family dying, I had finally a backup plan. Now she is back again, alive... just not entirely Human anymore. Before you ask about the machine, I destroyed it. So, don't think you can save your friend with it. And I know how unbelievable this tale seems to be, but it's true."

"I... believe you." meant Steve, and Harry looked up, surprised. "I believe you because I have seen what Hydra was capable of. A time machine, and bringing back the dead doesn't seem too crazy for them. B-But... when you saved Hermione, why not the others?"

"Because I had just enough of that Devilish stuff to save us both. I never really intended to use it, until two years ago. Hydra is still active, and even though the MoM fell apart, there are still people out there, that want our heads on a silver platter."

The Blonde stared at his cup of tea, and sat it down."H-Hydra is still out there?"

"Yes," stated Hermione, her hand now on Steve's clenched fist, eyes full of empathy. "Don't go after them Steve, not when you are still hurt yourself. They may use that to get into your head and make you theirs."

"I-I..." His eyes couldn't meet theirs, it was hard to even sit here."I was Captain America. I was a Soldier, fighting against Hydra and the Nazis with the Howling Commandos. My Friend, James Buchanan Barnes, which I called Bucky, was with me on the front line. We fought the Evil at its roots and destroyed many of Hydra Bases. I lost him. He fell from a train down into nothingness, as we went to seek their Leader. I was not fast enough to grasp his hand, I still hear his screams in my dreams..." A tear slipped down his cheek, and the two Siblings of Soul held him company, gifting him a sort of comfort with their open minds, listening to his tale of horror.
He told of his friends, his losses, and the Love he had to leave, as he fell into the eternal ice, having gotten de-frosted only a few weeks before the three of them had met. Steve had a hard time adjusting to this timeline, still not used to telephones, or those washing machines. Don't even start of Computers.

Harry felt with him: this here too, was not the world Hermione or he belonged to. This was not their Home. But where else should they have fled to? There was no other place, but the world of muggles.

It was getting late, so they bid Steve farewell, and at the door he turned, his blue eyes curious. "Tell me, why did you trust me with what they had done to you? What if I had been one of them, trying to get you back?"

Harry smiled. "Because you are so easy to read, it's like I could see your emotions even from up the stars, on the edge of the Moon. You couldn't even lie to us if you had too. This soul of yours is too pure and good for that."

Those words made the Blonde smile, and he went to what he called his home, whilst Harry watched after him, remembering that Sirius used to say that. 'Up the Stars, on the Edge of the Moon. From there I see all lies and Truth.'
Oh, how much he wished it really had been like this. It would have saved him from the Lights gruel Betrayal.

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