I blushed and hide my face in his chest. "You know, you can't see me without it-" "I know, only your family and husband is allowed, but who said I won't get to see it" I looked at him confused.

"Don't think too much, let's just sleep" He said while tightening his grip around me. "But-" "Shhh"

I kept looking at him till I started to hear soft snores coming from him. I chuckled and caressed his cheek softly. I pecked his lips and looked at him while smiling. "I love you" I whispered before falling asleep.

"I'm going out with Mia today," I said while fixing his blazer, and then his tie. "Where?" He said while wrapping his arms around my waist.

"We are going to do some shopping for my niece," I said while smiling and looked at him. "I need to buy some cute dresses for her," I said while thinking about how cute her daughter will be.

He chuckled and took something out of his pocket. "Here take this with you," He said while handing me the black card.

"What no! I can't take this it's yours" He shook his head and put the card in my hand. "Buy anything you want to, don't think about the price and buy some dresses for Mia's daughter"

"No, I really can't take this" "Sweetie pie, you don't have a choice," He said while smirking and then pressed his lips on mine. He pulled away and licked his lips.

"Your strawberry lipgloss tastes good" I started to blush and hit him playfully on his chest. "Pervert"

"Can you drive?" "Yeah, my father thought me and then I got a car license but I have never thought about buying one," I said while thinking that I never got the chance to buy a car.

"Take this instead of taking the bus or taxi," He said and handed me the car keys. "It's the blue car which you liked a lot" "Anthony, this is too much, I-I can't take it" "I didn't ask if you wanted it or not, I'm telling you to take it"

"I can't, I don't need all of this," I said while putting it in his hand. He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, while I put my hands on his chest.

"You may not need it, but I want to give it to you" "Are you trying to spoil me?" I said while looking at him with a soft smile on my lips.

"So what if I want to? Am I not allowed to spoil my girl?" I blushed at his comment and looked away from him. This guy, why does he keep making me blush?

"I only need you" I whispered hoping that he didn't hear me. "What did you say?" "N-Nothing," I said while trying to push him away.

"No, you said something" "I didn't" His grip around me tightened when he pulled me closer to himself.

"I love you" He whispered and pressed his lips on mine. The kiss was sweet and passionate, I slowly melted in his kiss. I closed my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck.

I pulled away and he handed me the car keys. "Drive safely" I was going to say something but before I could he pecked my lips.

"I was going to say something else," I said while looking at him playfully. He looked at me confused but the leaned down so that his face was near mine.

"What?" "I..." "I?" "I... I'm getting late and so are you" I said while pushing him towards the door. "I love you more," He said before leaving.

I got ready and took my purse. I went down and looked for his car. I drove to Mia's apartment and called her.

I waited for her down in the car, I saw her looking around and then I rolled the window down. "Wow, girl when did you buy a car?" "It's not mine, Anthony told me to take the car instead of the bus," I said and started to drive.

We went to the shopping mall and looked around at the baby shop. "We need to buy these dresses," I said while showing her some baby dresses.

"It's so cute," She said while taking the dress. After shopping for a while we decided to eat and then go home.

We ordered something to eat and talked about random things. I dropped her at her apartment and then drove back to the penthouse.

It was already dark, and I wanted to hurry up. I already knew that Anthony will be a little late since he took a week off from work.

So I wanted to have dinner ready for him before he arrives. I parked the car and started to walk inside when I realized that I forgot my purse in the car. I went back to get my purse.

I was on my way inside when suddenly I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around and didn't see anyone, what the hell was that?

I was going to turn around but before I could, someone held a cloth on my mouth. I started to get dizzy and before I passed out I heard.

"Now the game begins" 

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