8. Shrek & SURPRISE.

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Peppa runs out of the kitchen with wet shit dropping from between her legs.
She is suddenly stopped by a guard: Shrek.

Shrek dribbles at the amazing sight of Peppa Pig... "wow, you're stunning girl" and he whips out his green mega-penis. Peppa was expecting him to have a micro-penis but she was wrong. Peppa sucked and Shreks dick went down her oesophagus. Peppa gagged and was sick all over Shrek.
" what the fuck?! Bojo was better than you!"

Suddenly, Peppa starts her period.

Peppa walks off but she is stopped. She is told by the manager of the prison that she has to have a death penalty because she can't stop having sex with people, and she's already made 69 people pregnant.

"This is ridiculous! I need to instantly shut down your stupid prison! I'll have sex with people in heaven, you can't stop me there, anyway" Peppa says, her face as red as her 🐱 which is covered in period blood.
"I'm afraid you won't be going to heaven, Karen, I mean, Peppa." The manager says, and gives her family a phone call to say their final goodbye.

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