March 24, 2020.

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I just woke up a little bit ago. I went to sleep early, too. By 'early', I mean 3 AM as opposed to 6 AM. I haven't gone down to get my ration tray yet. I don't know what lunch is, but I've been told that breakfast is pancakes, so that's cool!

I've gotta do my classes for the day. Right now I've gotta gather the motivation to get up and do them. I'll go get my ration tray first.


I finished my schoolwork finally. It took a while but I'm a little ahead in every class! Also, I never ate lunch, because I was hoping to save it, but dinner is late so I'm just now eating lunch. Since my school is done though, I have the rest of the day to myself!

Dinner was okay. We had pasta again, which I can't say I'm a fan of, but like I said yesterday, it could be way worse. Also, I've started taking Japanese lessons on an app as a way to pass time during quarantine.

Last thing before I stop writing for the day, that Tokyo Machine meme is still getting likes and I'm super happy about it!

Last thing before I stop writing for the day, that Tokyo Machine meme is still getting likes and I'm super happy about it!

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(aaa he liked it!!!)

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(aaa he liked it!!!)

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