Chapter 17: Insane Wonderland Part 2

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A/n: decided to update another chapter cause you guys wanted one plus I have nothing better to do cause quarantine can suck my ASS anyway, do enjoy this chapter and thanks so much for 22k? Or was it 21k, well you guys get it, thanks so much!

A/n: decided to update another chapter cause you guys wanted one plus I have nothing better to do cause quarantine can suck my ASS anyway, do enjoy this chapter and thanks so much for 22k? Or was it 21k, well you guys get it, thanks so much!

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"Alright uraraka and Izuku, you head west with the others to handle those monsters, everyone else go with the team hero and go fight those monsters." Bakugou says, looking at glitch. [In his monster form, pic above] "And you take care of glitch?" All might asks, bakugou nods. "You'll need help." All might says. "I won't need help fighting him, he wants me to defeat him." Everyone looks at him. "Even though that will kill him?" Izuku asks. "Yeah nerd, I have to kill him and he knows that, he's ready to rest." Bakugou answers and everyone goes quiet. "Would he return back into his mindscape?" Mina asks. "Yeah, he'll rest, in the dark ocean." The class nods. "Now head out. We don't have much time before the world is fucked." Everyone nods and says their goodbyes to each other and heads to their locations with the assigned heroes. Glitch heads to the main city, smashing all the buildings, houses, and everything in his path, the wind begins to pick up as Bakugou makes his way to glitch.

Team A: All Might, Todoroki, Izuku, Uraraka, Kirishima, and IIda [How do you spell his fucking name, oh my goodness] "We seriously have to head out to the trains?! Glitch literally smashed them earlier, I don't think any monsters would be there!" Uraraka says nervously. "Well we have to go and make sure anyway! As heroes we need to save civilians from these terrible creatures!" IIda says with a finger pointed. "He's right Uraraka, we need to be heroes." Todoroki says. "And we need to save japan, once and for all." Izuku says. The others nod, and head to the train station and stand there in shock and horror.

 The others nod, and head to the train station and stand there in shock and horror

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"Holy crap." Izuku whispers.  Nothing in sight, the train roof ripped off, the walkway crushed, the train tracks abandoned, they can see the white ring, now their sun, setting, night time soon, they need to hurry. IIda sits in the chair, no monsters in sight. "No monsters here." Uraraka says. "I think I know why." They look at Izuku. "Monsters don't tend to like sunlight, so the darker location, the better." Izuku explains. "Where would the darkest location be then?" Kirishima asks. "The city itself, since all the huge buildings, good cover." IIda says. They nod. "All might you been super quiet since we got here." They look at all might. "Just worried for young Bakugou, he's dealing with a very dangerous villain." All might explains. "I believe he can defeat glitch with no problem sir, he's to stubborn not to." Todoroki replies. "You know this would give villains a good chance to go out here and cause chaos." They look at each other. "Shit. I completely forgot about them." All might mutters.

Team B- West Side Borders

Momo, Mina, Denki, Jiro, Sero, Mineta and Midnight, all gather around and look as some of the west side of the city was already destroyed,one of the main buildings fell over and crushed other buildings along with it, in the distance, they could see villains. "Villains, knew they would come up here." Midnight says, grabbing her whip. Mineta and Denki start drooling while jiro smacks them. "So how do we alert the others that the villains are here?" Mina asks. "They're should be a box on a light pole somewhere around here and there's a button, that'll alert them." Midnight answers. They look around for the box. "Hey is this it?" Mineta asks, looking up at a small gray box connected to the light pole. "Great job kid!" Midnight and the others head to the box and Midnight pushes the button.

All Teams-

Everyone all the sudden begins to hear loud sirens, loud. All might's eyes widen. "Villains are out." He mutters, izuku looks at all might in horror. "All might, they're here." All might looks to see thousands of villains, and in the distance, the league of villains. "Holy shit." Denki whispers. "What the heck?!" Hagakure says. A/n: she's the invisible girl if you didn't know. "Why are they here!?" Ojiro yells in panic. "We need to stay calm and see what the heroes have in mind." Shouji says in a calm tone. "He's right, stay calm, we need to gather everyone so we can decide what to do." Aizawa says. "What about bakugou's orders?" Satou asks. "Well the monsters are going in the main part of the city where it's dark, we'll take care of them later." Aizawa says. "How should we gather everyone up?" Ojiro asks. "That's why we're here!" The students and Aizawa look at a group of heroes. "Students, this is the wild, wild pussy cats, group of heroes that you were supposed to be training with. Got canceled due to obvious reasons." Aizawa explains with an eye roll. Nezu pops up in his scarf. "Nice to see you again ladies!" He exclaims, jumping out of Aizawa scarf. "Good to see you nezu!" They exclaim. "And how will a group of cats help us?" Shouji asks. "Our quirks, specifically Mandalay, she has telepathic abilities so she can tell the others with her mind." Mandalay nods. "This is tiger, pixie bob, and rag doll." Mandalay explains. They all nod with confidence. Aizawa rolls his eyes.

"Everyone, this is Mandalay, one of the heroes that was going to train you at your trip, I have orders from Aizawa to head to group A, all might's group, do hurry before the villains get to the central city. Remember they're at the trains." The students and heroes nod in confirmation and head to their group, 20 minutes later, they all reach all might, izuku currently freaking out over the new group of heroes. "Everyone needs to calm down! As class president we need to stay in order or we will not make it out of this horrible situation!" IIda yells, using his hand motions. "Everyone goes quiet. "He's right, shut up." Aizawa says. "So what's the plan?" Momo asks. "We need to find Bakugou first." All might says. "Why?" Todoroki asks. "If we don't find him before he gets to glitch, the plan won't work." All might explains. "And what's the plan sir?" Tokoyami asks. "We use glitch as a destroyer, make him get all the monsters while we gather more heroes to defeat the villains, I'm pretty sure the league of villains is after Bakugou, since Bakugou knows how to chill glitch down, it would be a good time to get the two of them." All might explains. "So you mean they're going to kidnap kacchan and glitch?!" Izuku says in panic. "If we don't hurry, yes." The class go quiet.

Bakugou runs, runs, and eventually gets tired of running and uses his quirk to boost himself up, he uses the rooftop of houses to guide him towards glitch, not to far away from him, as Bakugou keeps going to get glitch, glitch keeps running faster and faster, he knows Bakugou is after him, and his mission isn't done yet, what's his mission?

To turn the outside world, into an insane wonderland.

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