Chapter 5

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No one's Pov.

"Twilight!!" Rainbow Dash called out to her, Twilight rushed over to DarkFlame's room to her knocked out cold her eye's widened.

"What happned!?" Twilight asked painic can be heard in her voice.

"King Sombra that's what happened!".Rainbow Dash answered obviously mad.

"R-Rainbow Dash go get Cadence and everyone else, I'll look after Flame".Twilight suggested, Rainbow nodded before bolting out if the room to get help.

*5 hours later*

DarkFlame's Pov.

In dream.

W-where I am? Why is it so dark? Am I dead? I had a million thoughts going in my mind the last thing I remembered was that King Sombra left and Rainbow Dash was calling for help..then I heard a dark chuckle

"You know you should really learn to control your temper my dear"

"YOU" "Get away from me!" I blasted him with my magic but it only went through him like a shadow."What the.." i was so confused by that.

"Heh, You know my dear we're not so different you & i, we are outcasts we've been called freaks, pathic worthless a monster..that can't be controled.." "Heh, but we hunger to learn more knowledge more intelligence about dark magic we-"

"Stop right there your 'Highness'!!"


"I heard this bit a hundred times in a hundred stories, your gonna say some thing you think we have in common and try to get me on your side well guess what your 'majesty' it.won'" i glared at him.
"We are nothing alike your just a awful villian straight out of a mediocre fantasy book" for the long time I felt confident I wasn't scared for a moment, Sombra looked calm somehow.

"So I'm a "Awful villian" huh? from a "mediocre fantasy book"well then...YOU WON'T MIND IF I DID A PILOT TWIST!!".Sombra eye's turned green again, vines wrapped around my wing's and my hoofs and neck the vines started choking me."The Villian kills the 'princess'..fade black end scene" He walked up to me and whispered in my ear."How's that for a change of phase my dear?"

My vision almost turned black, my eye's turned green again I used my magic to turn into a shadow dragon break the thick vines I started to breath dark fire i wasn't in control tho I felt a horrible pain in my chest, my shadow dragon form clawed Sombra in his left eye.

"W-what happening to me!?" I screamed feeling horrible pain in my chest, I turned back to normal before I collapsed Sombra was hovering over me.

"What did I tell you my dear...NOT.SO.DIFFERENT...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHA!!!!!!!" He laughed evilly it echoed everywhere.

Then suddenly I woke up hyperventilating.

" Oh thank goodness it was just a nightmare" I sighed in relief, I turned my head to my book on my night whole meeting was real..I did pass out...I unleashed a great evil...oh by the stars what have I done. I used my magic to bring the book to me there was a note it reads.


It wasn't a dream it was quite real my dear
Find my chainber where all the fears and shadows hide where
My work of my journal is secret to unfold and to disover
I look forward to our next meeting my dear but the next meeting
I won't be as friendly as before my dear.

~King Sombra.

I growled "Why that no good dirty son of a-" *sighs* "this couldn't get any worse..can it?"

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