New Senpai

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Ayanos Pov

They did it.





Ayano watched it from the roof. First, Taro tried to kill her. Then (Y/n) and Oka started Dating.

Her joy. Her Senpai's. All gone.

Tears flooded from her charcoal eyes. I wanted to die. I slipped off my shoes. I climbed up the railing. I was ready to jump off and put an end to my suffering. I leaned foward.

"Don't do it Ayano!" a gruff and yet, terrified voice said.

Ayano turned.

Osoro Shindeu ran to Ayano and grabbed her by the wrist, gently pulling her down.

"Suicide is not the answer...Take it from me..." Osoro said sadly.

Ayano hugged Osoro, and buried her face in osoro's shoulder, crying. Osoro gently hugged back.

"Cry all you want Ayano it's fine...your safe."

Ayano felt warm and safe in Osoro's arms.

A new Senpai.


Lemon or fluff chappie for next chappie. After that chappie, I'm ending the book. Hoped you enjoyed! 

New Problems (Oka x Female Reader x Ayano?)Where stories live. Discover now