48. Even those who knew what was coming listened breathlessly.

Start from the beginning

Tyler shrugged. "I'm just honest and straight forward. Which is seemingly perceived as refreshing," he said mockingly to the judge, who looked at him somewhat shocked. Marwon's light snort caused a small smile on his face.
Appreciatively, Nagijb took him in. "I can't say how happy I am that after twenty-five years of mutual struggles, decisions are finally being made." 
Asking, Tyler looked at the man.
"I was assigned these cases by my colleagues because it would often consist of  endless bickering."
"Ah," Tyler said. "You are family." He looked pensively at the judge. "Is there no conflict of interest?" he asked more interested than reproachful.
"No, that hasn't happened in all these years. In addition, all parties are so focused on not letting the other one get the upper hand, that it pretty much ensures that the status quo is maintained." He nodded to Jawdat and Nahir who silently affirmed this.

"Can I inquire about the handling of the situation we discussed yesterday?" Tyler asked Jawdat.
Nahir responded with a broad grin. "It's great to see that punk finally get opposition."
Tyler raised an eyebrow asking.
"I heard from Jawdat that he had violated the confidentiality agreement and was allowed to serve as a witness in his sentence." He gloated in a way that didn't fit the weightiness of his profession.
Tyler laughed internally. "Glad to see you're here for your family," he said with mocking humor.
"Bahir got what he deserved," Nahir said without mercy. "Given the importance of the situation, it's just too crazy for words to risk everything because he couldn't resist provoking you."

Marwon and the judge looked at him asking.
"The punishment for violating the confidentiality agreement was to shave off all his head and facial hair. It's visible, prolonged and nonviolent," Tyler said.
"But you're sending a clear message," Marwon nodded. 
"How did you come up with the idea?" asked Nahir.
Meanwhile, the food was brought.
"I once saw a documentary about penance in different cultures. The ritual shaving of the head and for men the addition of facial hair is part of that," Tyler said earnestly.
He took a bite of his delicious-looking sandwich and even though it tasted like cardboard to him, he ate it all. The day was still long and he needed his stamina. In his time with Jared, he had been cut off from reality. Now he was again pressed with his nose on the facts.
This wasn't about what he wanted.

"There was one request I can't meet," Nagijb Al-Fez said. All eyes at the table looked at him with interest. "You want to give up your position as a bearer of the eye."
Tyler nodded. "To show that I cannot exert any arbitrary influence as long as they abide by the restrictions."
"I get that and I've prepared a form for that. It describes how your influence on these specific points is limited. However, it is not possible to strip your power completely."
Tyler wanted to protest.
"Not even if you give up voluntarily. Your commitment to our family will apply to the rest of your life!" the judge said sternly.
Marwon recorded Tyler's disgruntled face and patted him on the hand. "It is your destiny to be connected to our family. You can't escape that."
Tyler smiled wryly. He would love to bind himself to this family and one man in particular, but the situation was so messed up that fate could go screw itself!

"Some more serious cases now," the judge said. "It has come to my attention that threats have been made against you, Mr.  Reed. That's why I agreed with Mr. Al-Din that after tonight's meeting, until the wedding, you'll be placed in protective custody."
Tyler swallowed hard. "Why can't I just go home?" he asked. "My direct business with the family ends tonight." He longed for a dark corner where he could curl up to grieve quietly.
"But you have to be present at the wedding. Didn't anyone explain this to you?" asked Jawdat.
Marwon looked down guilty to dodge Tyler blazing gaze.
"Why?" he asked defiantly.
Jawdat blinked his eyes at the unusually fierce tone. "You have to give your consent to the marriage."
"You've got my permission" he bit briefly. "Where should I sign?"
"No," Jawdat shook. "In front of the family, you must approve of their commitment to bless the marriage."
Tyler's head turned to the judge. "Can't I get out of that? It's definitely just a formality. Can't you arrange something?" he said without masking his resistance.
"I don't really know," the man said waveringly.
Jawdat bowed to him. "As you said yourself, it's just a formality. There's no one who expects you to give a whirlwind speech," he sounded cool.
"Of course," Tyler said affably as his heart painfully squeezed together.

"What does that protective custody entail?" Tyler inquired about the next scoop of misery on an already high bump.
"We'll take you to a secure location tonight, where Nathan will escort you to a second, unknown location, where you'll stay until the wedding," Jawdat said.
"No Nathan!" shook Tyler resolutely.
"But, why not?" Jawdat immediately countered.
"No Nathan," Marwon supported him. "I'm sure there's another reliable bodyguard who can also train with Tyler."
Jawdat looked darkly at his grandfather for a moment and then bowed respectfully to his desire. "Of course," he said smoothly, writing a note in his diary.
The second that all things had been handled, Tyler had apologized to his company and left for his hotel room with his guards in his wake.

Now he sat with cold hands beaten and with two outstretched fingers against his mouth, disapprovingly watching the select company in front of him. 
"And so we're sitting here again," Tyler said, making no attempt to hide his discontent. 
On his left side, the long-term glare he cast on Bahir was restlessly received while the man wobbled in his seat without saying anything. Jawdat had ensured that all those present were aware of Bahir's misstep and what penalty Tyler had applied. His blue eyes slipped to Gaith Mahfouz.
"It deeply disappointed me, Mr. Mahfouz, to hear about the stupid transgression your grandson has committed. I hope you don't blame me for punishing him for that?" His voice sounded sharp, clear and inexorable.
The head of the Mahfouz family received the rebuke loud and clear. He looked angrily at his shaved grandson.
"I share in your disappointment, Mr. Reed. I have assured my grandson that if he does not behave, a complete body wax will follow."
Bahir visibly cringed.
Tyler wasn't going to let the guy off the hook so quickly. "May I conclude from this, Mr. Mahfouz, that I can ignore the threats made to my address? Because I really don't feel like hiding away like a coward," he said sparingly.

He looked at the attendees and let his words sink in.
"Maybe it's too much to ask in the current situation, but I would have counted on a little more respect given the position I hold in your family," he told the entire company. His sharp words sounded full of undisputed authority. The punitive words had their effect and all fifteen attendees hung on his lips.
"Your safety is my first priority now," Gaith Mahfouz nodded to him with tight jaws. A sharp look to the left caused the rest of his company to obediently bend their heads.

Tyler got up, walked around the table where he leaned against the edge with arms crossed. Consciously, he softened his sharp gaze which seemed to relax the group of people somewhat.
"I spoke this afternoon with your representatives and the judge handling this case. The agreements that have come out of it are in front of you. With one far-reaching exception," Tyler said.
Even those who knew what was coming listened breathlessly.
"Messoud Al-Din was given the Sheikh title by fate. That's the right I can't take from his blood." He turned to Princess Jasmine and continued: "However, that is not the case for the royal title. It is removed from the bloodline by me."

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