Chapter 26: Search For The Key

Start from the beginning

He bowed to them. "It may turn out that way. I only want to make this Multiverse better. I want to dethrone the Gods who have knowingly let the flaw remain."

"We won't stop you Juvo, but we will also not join you. Power is what we crave. Not destruction." The elders walked away.

Juvo was disappointed. But he was not going to give up. He went to the Library and brought out the Book of Gods. His followers circled him and their faces reflected thrill and excitement. When Juvo brought out the capsule with the liquid, they all rejoiced, "WE SHALL SEE THE LIGHT!"

Juvo whispered the statement to himself again as he inserted the key into place. The book clicked open as the liquid seeped into it.

"It is time my friends! To change and make everything the way it should have been!"

They all hailed cries for him as he opened the book.

The cries ran out quickly after their gazes fell on its contents.

There were none.

The book was blank.

The captive now alone in the entire ship, went to the compartments searching for tools that may help him escape

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The captive now alone in the entire ship, went to the compartments searching for tools that may help him escape. He found nothing. Ejection pods would not help in this situation. He needed something else. But he could not get his guts to get out of the ship. The place was terrifying.

What do I do? I need to warn them.

Saaret appeared again. But this time he didn't say anything. He simply pointed in a direction. Then vanished into oblivion like forever.

What? Where?

He looked in the direction. There was nothing. Just the ship's wall.

There needs to be something there. He can't mean the wall of the ship seriously.

He found the main compartment. Through an airlock he descended out of the ship. The atmosphere was toxic. He was almost asphyxiating when he had opened a window in the ship not much earlier.

He held his breath. He was not dead. His hearts still beat. He still required breathable air.

But his kind could hold breaths for long periods. Their planet had large amounts of organic liquids that were oceans to them. They naturally carried their work in those oceans without needing to breathe and only momentarily came to surface. It had gone on for millenia.

He filled his organs with as much breathable air as he required and then got off. Juvo knew his destination and hence, had not brought any suits for that reason. Probably the Book of Gods could give him anything he wanted. So not requiring to breathe was an ability that he was sure it could deliver. He required that ability as he eventually had to step on different worlds, might even different 'verses or even in the space in Multiverse. But more than anything, he wanted himself to be one of The Gods. Or rather the God. He was going to dethrone them. He knew that. So why keep a mask on his face? He did not want any restrictions. Thus, no suits or breathing apparatus were present on the ship.

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