ALERT! Missing enderman named "Greg" If seen, boat

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(Edit: the whole thing. i just rewrote it the original was so bad :'D)

Cooper loves his friends.

He loves everything about them. The way they make him smile, the way they make him start crying from laughter, the way the comfort him after a bad day, and the way they are so passionately themselves.

To be honest, he's jealous. They aren't afraid of being them in front of a camera, which needs a certain kind of confidence he isn't entirely sure he has yet.

But he knows that sometimes it's okay to not be entirely sure of himself, even though it's hard to always remember. His friends are always there, though, and he owes them everything for that.

Cooper would say he's a pretty overprotective person.

It's not that he can help it, he just wants to know if the people he loves are safe. He fears its overbearing, but how else will he let his friends know he loves them?

The way they laugh together at the stupidest jokes, the hazy movie nights when you're not quite asleep but still not awake, the way you just go back to being kids again, running around in the grass. Cooper thinks that is what true beauty looks like.

His favourite moments have to be the unplanned ones, the ones where you aren't being recorded, or watched, or heard. When he sees Carson do a little dance when getting out of the car, or whenever Noah bounces his leg because he just can't sit still. The way Travis always has a little skip in his step when he's excited, or the times Ted tends to just gaze off into space, thinking about everything and nothing.

The way Schlatt smiles to himself while watching the gang fool around. The way Charlie can laugh at just about anything, and can always crack a smile. When Madi is just so passionate about what she does. The way Dave carries a camera with him wherever he goes. Whenever Sam cracks a little smile after he makes a joke, especially when they're particularly bad.

It's unsolicited, and Cooper thinks that's amazing. Each person he knows is so uniquely them. He admires them for it, and he hopes one day he could be quite like them.

Lunchclub/SMPLive oneshots?? maybe?? (discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora