✧ Three | Ways to Escape Reality ✧

Start from the beginning

The cat was petite and had ebony colored fur. It blinked briskly, urging me to notice how atypical its eyes appeared. It was captivating to see how its eyes resembled a dark void of emptiness. I felt like the cat's eyes could just lead me into an empty abyss.

Not intentionally being curt; most cats were cute, but this one's eye was a bit peculiar to me. It almost seemed like it had no pupils; it was almost "calling" to me.

Despite the eerie voidish eyes, I knelt down on one knee and examined the cat.

I stared at the figure and my own eyes aimlessly discovered a small, yet deep cut on its left paw.

"You're hurt," I murmured to the poor thing, knowing that it probably wouldn't respond.

I knew it wouldn't hurt to aid the cat, so I slipped the case off and placed it on the luscious grass. I carelessly unzipped a small pocket located on top of the leather case and pulled out a pack of tissues that were stuffed at the bottom.

I was lucky I had brought a pack of tissues. According to my mom, you could never be over-prepared.

I drew out a tissue from inside the uncovered pack and twisted it so it could match the size of the cat's cut.

"Here, I'll just wipe the blood off your paws," I spoke to the cat.

I leaned a bit closer to the poor thing with the soft tissue in my hand. The cat watched intensively and gave off a threatening expression.

I didn't really mind the pigmy feline, but it wasn't until it rapidly raised its paw that I began to catch on with its current action.

The cat hissed, revealing menacing sharp teeth that made my heart skip a beat. I backed away and dropped the tissue during the process.

Before the cat's paw reached me, I sheltered my face with my arms forming an "X" structure, thanks to my hasty reflexes. While I blocked my face, my eyes closed in defense just in case the cat was aiming towards my eyes.

Once I thought I was secure and that cat had finished its business, my eyes began to flutter open. My vision was blear, preventing me from being able to comprehend my surroundings.

I blinked once, then twice.

I heaved my arms down to my side away from my face. As I got to my feet, I stumbled, but luckily gained my balance and saved myself from tumbling like an idiot.

Once my vision returned, I noticed that the trees had somehow multiplied and were more elevated than usual.

The blue benches, stone sidewalk, kiddie swings, and slides also seemed to be absent from their assigned spots.

I quickly skimmed through my vicinity, already developing an idea on the current situation.

The setting seemed to twist in and slowly close up on me. My heart pounded out of my chest for just a few moments until I was slapped with a sudden realization. I was obviously no longer in the park and was completely oblivious to where I was standing.

Bruh, it was the portal, I told myself. It had only made sense. Instead of an archway, the cat was another form of it. That had to be it. And in the end, I was caught by the seeker. I gulped and hugged myself after a shiver arrived.

Knowing that it could have been way worse, I tried to keep my composure. There was no use in breaking down, especially in the situation I was in.

Though, one salient question remained in my mind: how was I going to go home? My mind was tainted with petrifying queries like where I was, how long I would be here and if I would ever get out alive.

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