7. Gemini Eyes

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I smell smoke running through the wind. The night is dark and I am breathing.


'What happened?' I asked myself. That's right I'm supposed to be dead! Why am I still alive, am I safe? Did someone risk its life for me to live?

Slowly, I moved to rise up while getting to my senses. Where's my hero? I'll give thanks now. But where am I? I have to be cautious! It could be a danger to bring me pain.

The fire continued to flicker while everything's getting clearer. "Huh?!" The silhouette is now gone and now I am left behind.

"Where are you?" I asked the hero while looking sideways. The silence is deafening like a bellow. It slowly appeared and astonished me. I don't know what to do. I am frozen from where I am. Claude, he's here with an angelic disguise. I realized I've been fooled a lot of times. My head's confused, will I be dead tonight? Is this nothing but a dream or a nightmare? Or a life after death where I can't live anymore?

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. My twin is gone, to take some virtue. I know it sounds crazy but I'm telling the truth. Trust me and I'll take good care of you. My twin brother who has been with you is Clay. We alternately showed up with one name. Our loving parents raised us in one identity. Clay has a mental disorder when we're still babies." He quickly explained while slowly approaching me until he held onto my shoulders.

Oh, gosh, how stupid am I? No, I was right with my senses and I thought he's just having a split personality disorder but I wasn't expecting that they're in separate bodies. Oh, no, did I just kiss both of them?! My brain and heart can not take this!

"While growing up, I was the only one to be identified. The town must not know about my brother's situation. The doctors said he has a chance. So our parents allowed him on my stand. When I met you, I became selfish because of that I was punished for weeks so he enjoyed it. I heard what he did to you so he's locked up good including therapies and his injuries. Clay is getting worse but they didn't know." Claude held my hand and smelled my hair. I fell asleep with questions in my head. What am I going to do with these events? Should I believe him or I'll just escape? I have to feel his every move. From the way he looks at me, he's saying the truth. His story might be creepy but I love him too. The two of them protected me but one has grown cruel.

I was confused with what happened. Who kissed me last time or bit me to bleed? My eyes closed and silently prayed. 'Lord Almighty, help me to live. This night might have been cold and my family would look for my soul. If Claude is telling the truth will I still show up with my brood?

"Please take me home by tomorrow." I whispered while holding his warm hand. He nodded his head and kissed my brow.

"Tomorrow, keep everything to yourself. No one has to know the truth." His warm breath reached my ear and the strong breeze blew my answer.


I was lying on a wooden seat being dressed and groomed by women in their twenties

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I was lying on a wooden seat being dressed and groomed by women in their twenties. "What's this for?" I giggle while holding my white thickly layered dress. When I glanced at them they just smiled at me and headed to the door. They left and then I saw myself trapped in this huge empty shed. I stepped out and walked the dim hallway. It was dark but lit by many candles. A door opened and men were laughing,I glanced at them and I noticed what they're wearing.

Handsomely dressed and caressing their suits, I went close to them to ask questions. To my surprise they gathered around me smiles and just took a shot of me with a camera. They gave me a copy and walked away. All they're saying is "wear like the groom" so I assumed that there will be a wedding soon.

I heard some noises from beneath the wooden floor, and stuck my ears to it.

"The wedding will happen before nightfall. I'm so excited!" I recognized mom's voice. What is she talking about? Why is she excited about it? Are they getting married with dad again? 'Ewe! That's disgusting!'

I looked at the copy that was given to me. "Huh?!" I was astonished at the paint on my face! 'What's the meaning of this?! I don't usually use makeup!' Though I really look beautiful with it I still prefer my natural beauty.


I dashed rubbing my makeup painfully. Now I know I was then betrothed. 'Betrothed?! With whom?!' I'm only turning to fifteen, I'm too young for that!

*pant pant pant*

My heart beat fast while I ran back to the room where I was dressed. There's a window there so when I got in, I quickly leaped reaching the frame. Though it was six feet high I still managed by grabbing the chair and opened the window. I held carefully on the frame until I fell outside.

"Ah!" The light nearly melted my eyes.

'Shit!' I didn't realize it was already afternoon and the sun was pointing at my spot. I get back to my senses and stand up before finding the way out of this place. I walked slowly and finally saw the strange place. "Wow!" A Victorian house? It is so mesmerizing and looking around it's built on a wide phase. Proceeding to get away from this place I reached the front part of it where plenty of people were gathered. Everyone doesn't look familiar. Of course because my parents don't bring me to gatherings or introduce anybody.

I walked from the crowd peculiarly but then when I looked back, I noticed the window and saw my cousin Francine with the same makeup as mine. She runs outside like she's been hurled.

Though I am rushing to get out of this place I waited for her. It might be her who's being wed to the owner of this house or someone else. When she got out she reached my hand and we ran away. Her dress and makeup looked like me and we both sped toward the road. When we arrived, I stopped for a while. That path looks like a familiar sign. 'What?!' I understood it was the way to Claude's grand mansion.

A man appeared and shot the girl. I was stunned but I have to get far even without Florence. Saving myself is my priority. My feet slightly moved that I nearly crawled fast and swift as fast as I could. Until I reached outside of our domicile I sighted my baby, barking inside but I saw an armored man standing outside the house. What?! What is going on?!

What the heck did they put me in? No, I am not yet doomed! I won't let that happen so I jumped in our neighbor's fence to escape the man chasing my life. I raced far and promised for Yoshi that I'll come back soon for my fury baby.

Successfully I got away as far as I could. Climb a gigantic statue to cross the ground but I wasn't even sure if there was land. Strangers were walking toward where I am and we climbed it.

I was close to the head when my hands slipped, terrorized by fear but lucky I took a grip. My feet reached the mud floor and helped the rest until all of them arrived safely.

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