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(Ah yes, it's another story
But who to tell it all to?
In the shadows of the night?)

02:06 AM
12 May 2020

His jacket snaps in the wind, and he pulls it closer around his cold frame. It's dark outside.

He peers down at the luminous streets of Seoul, watching as the city lights wink back at him. It's like they're mocking him.

Running a hand through his wet hair, he takes another drag of his cigarette.

Hongjoong used to be nice. He used to care, and he used to smile.

Hongjoong used to be a lot of things he isn't anymore.

He always said sorry when he bumped into strangers on the street. He always remembered to send his grandma a letter for her birthday. He always attended his morning classes and late-night soccer practices. He always kissed his parents good night, and he always took care of his younger siblings when his parents were busy.

He actually used to give a fuck about someone other than himself. He was the perfect son, the perfect student— the perfect everything.

Until he wasn't.

It starts to rain. Either he doesn't notice, or he doesn't care. He stands still, quiet and statuesque.

There was never a concrete moment where Hongjoong changed, no catalyst that invoked the chain of events that followed: It just happened.

Maybe it happened gradually, like the way children stop believing in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, concluding that it was never real, to begin with.

Maybe it happened all at once, like an earthquake in his mind, causing chaos, destruction, and catastrophe.

Hongjoong stopped convincing himself that there was anything good left in him.

Because he realized that there wasn't.

He lets the rain soak his already wet hair. Dropping his cigarette, he watches as the downpour extinguishes the glowing filter.

Resting his numb hands against the wet metal bars of the balcony, he studies the glowing city once again.

Hongjoong realized that being nice would get him nowhere.

The saying "Good things come to those who wait" is complete and utter bullshit.

Good things come to those who take it, to those who seize opportunities, and to those who aren't afraid of stepping on others to achieve what you want.

Waiting gets you nowhere.

Therefore, Hongjoong did the only sensible thing he could think of. He ran away.

Call him a craven and a pushover, but Hongjoong was no fool. He made a plan to take his life into his own hands, to take back the pen writing his story and reclaim the narrative.

He was sick of being someone else's puppet and refused to not be the main character in his own life.

Casting one last look over the capital, he turns on his heels and heads back inside to the warm embrace of his bed.

Maybe it didn't work out exactly as Hongjoong planned in the end, but at least he was free from the gripping claws of an unwanted future.

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