Legolas and Liruliniel walked slowly along a corridor while she was speaking, he thought about what she said and had to concede that she was perhaps right. "How was your trip?" He decided to ask instead, he didn't want to think of confronting his father about what happened in his kingdom while he was away. He was old enough now not to be scolded by his father, but that didn't mean he couldn't unsettle Legolas still.

Liruliniel perked up at that, "Well, we almost got kicked out." Legolas double took, he looked utterly confused. Somehow he didn't think this would be the first thing she'd start with. "But then thanks to Prince Thráin and his son, they managed to persuade King Thrór otherwise. So we were allowed to stay for a few more days."

"Dare I ask how this came to be? What did you say?"


"It's always going to be you." Legolas smirked in her direction as they slowly ascended a staircase. Liruliniel tried to look appalled by this, but then ended up rolling her eyes and shrugging. "See, I am right. So what did you say?"

Liruliniel frowned, "A great many things that I still believe have fallen on deaf ears."

"Dwarves are not known for their hearing or patience."

"Be nice, how many dwarves have you come across?" Liruliniel frowned up at him, Legolas looked at her sternly before looking downwards because her sea coloured eyes were just staring unblinkingly at him. "Exactly, none. So be nice. We spoke of what I saw, there is trouble brewing within Erebor and it is something which could be sorted out, if they so wish it. This was taken as us trying to tell King Thrór how to run his kingdom, apparently. So yes, he tried to kick us out."

"I can't imagine the rest of the stay was good, it must've been awkward." Legolas couldn't think of anything worse, being in a situation where it is plainly known one being doesn't want you around.

Liruliniel smiled, "We spent one day exploring Dale. You know, despite secretly and clearly complaining in his mind, I would have thought your father would've jumped at the chance really to get out of the Mountain. He seems very sedentary."

Legolas let out a quiet chuckle at that, he sighed heavily and looked at her honestly. "Do not tell him that."

Liruliniel just grinned, she meant what she said though and she wasn't taking it back. Thranduil didn't want to leave their home, he did so grudgingly albeit not showing much interest in where he was ending up. The same still went there, it seemed like as soon as they got to Erebor, he had no interest as such to explore the city nearby. Liruliniel however did, and she had more or less dragged him out, she had no regrets.

"I believe he will be in meetings for most of the day," Legolas went on to say as she opened her quarters door and held it open for him. She simply waved a hand and he placed the trunk down gently near one of the chairs by the fire. Liruliniel looked a bit put off by that, she turned and paced the room with her arms crossed and Legolas just stood and watched her. He knew her well enough to know she was about to come out with something.

"He doesn't need that," Liruliniel's voice was soft, she looked out of the window and eyed the spring colours which were travelling through their home. Rich green mossy patches could be seen climbing and clinging onto brownish or silvery bark. The leaves on the trees were a fresh green, shining in the light of the day and looking shockingly quite healthy. Even as she stood where she did, she could see small patches of lavender and bluebells springing up on the grassy pathways near the river. Spring was all about rebirth and really, the forest right now looked like the forest of old, if only she ignored the fact that it was only this piece and beyond the back of the palace that was similar.

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