Infirmary and Friendship

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Sometimes, the Universe offer us the necessary peace in order to heal. And, in the most bizarre ways, we accept it with a bitter- sweet attitude, with a constant fear of messing it up or losing it all in a matter of seconds. Maybe, it is the hurricane inside our soul that is so used with despair, disaster that it can't let it go. Sometimes we stay close to the most toxic of things just because they offer us a feeling of security in a new unknown world.

And maybe, just maybe, this is why our Marigold tried to keep her distance, steer clear from the ones that just tried to be polite. You may call it cowardice, I would call it fear. Because hiding at lunch time in the empty library eating your singe meal for the day( a simple green apple) or keeping your voice down as often as possible can't be an incapacity to show some bravery. But a dread regarding a constant returning of the past in which school life was nothing less than a earthly hell.

Okay, I had a decent uneventful day. I just have to get through History and I will break my record of one... half of a normal school day with success... Yay.

I just have to enter that door, take my sit without falling flat on my face, start drawing and then avoid having to present my homework in front of the hole class.... Okay, here we go...

First two stages completed, let start drawing...

''Hi, I'm glad you're back.''

 ''Hi, me too.''

'' Hi. Apparently you have a better sense of direction than I anticipated. You are a really good-looking guy.''

Okay, Mr. Matthews. I don't know how it doesn't surprise me.

( This is somehow supposed to be Riley, but I haven't found a picture and the apps don't offer something extraordinary good and I am not to good at drawing so this is all I can do for you, sorry :(( )

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( This is somehow supposed to be Riley, but I haven't found a picture and the apps don't offer something extraordinary good and I am not to good at drawing so this is all I can do for you, sorry :(( )

''Okay, so... Today we're gonna find out if anybody here believes in something so strongly they'd fight for it. Maya.''

 ''Yes sir.'' 

''Present your homework.''

''Can't do that, sir.'' 

This won't end well...

''Why not?'' 

'' I didn't do my homework, sir. ''

''Why not?''  

''That's what I'm fighting against, sir.'' 

''Oh, this could go on for a while. Farkle Farkle Farkle Farkle. Farkle Farkle Farkle.''

You read my mind... What the...? 

''I didn't do my homework either.'' 

Oh, sweet girl...

''Oh really?'' 

''Yeah. We're the same now. I don't believe in homework.''

You little butterfly... Why do you try to be something you are not? Oh, wait... 

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