Curse Words

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Pairing: 40s!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Premise: You and Bucky meet under very sarcastic circumstances.
Warnings: language, fluff, humor, a lot of nothing
A/N: I was casually scrolling through my dash and then a post popped up and all I could think about was writing something similar for Bucky. So, thank you random persons (@psychoticpingouins [tumblr]) grandparents, your actual life experiences have inspired me to write fake life experiences. This is also an AU in the sense that Steve and Bucky both came home from WWII in the 40s. Angie is the same Angie from Agent Carter.


It was unfortunately a normal day for you. Men looking down at you simply because you were a woman who didn't get their food to them fast enough. Time and time again you and Angie grumbled over the sorry excuses for humans that graced you throughout the day. Time and time again you wondered if you should take up Peggy's offer to join her office. Although, from the second-hand stories you heard from Angie, Peggy didn't fair much better than you.

Perhaps it was the fact that your boss continued to harp on you about gaining weight, saying that they didn't supply uniforms any larger. Maybe it was lousy tips you've been getting simply because the cook couldn't cook fast enough. It could even be the fact that you spilled someone's entire meal down your front when an arrogant customer rammed into you. However, by now, even at only seven, you were ready to crawl into bed and have a black hole swallow you whole.

"I know it sucks but you have to keep tryin', otherwise you couldn't afford to live," Angie says as the two of you walk back to your apartment.

"You didn't get all the sleaze balls today," you comment. "Besides, you complain just as much as I do on the bad days."

"I'm an actress, meant to be on Broadway, I'm overly dramatic. You," she says, looking you up and down, "are a hot mess."

You don't even bother responding, only give her a scalding glare. "Why am I friends with you again?"

"Because I'm the only gal you didn't scare away with that mouth of yours."

"Oh," you feign surprise, "you mean to tell me the other waitresses can't handle a little cursing."

"Not the way you do it," she smiles.

"My ma cursed just as much as I do, I got it honest."

"At least Peg don't curse as much, she has the sense to keep it quiet."

"You think your Peggy doesn't curse? She spent the war with hundreds of men who sound far worse than me, she picked up a few things."

"Oh! Pish," she says, waving you off. Devilishly, you smirk.

"Can't handle a few assholes, bitches, cunts, bastards? Not even a few shits and hells?" The more you mock her the bigger her smiles gets. "Oh-" you heel slips on a paver and before you know it it's broke, "oh fuck me."

"At least let me buy you dinner first!" However perfect the timing for that comment was, you don't have the slightest idea who the man was who said it.

"Excuse you?"

"I said, at least let me buy you dinner first," he says, and as he comes closer you can make out the day-old stubble and blueness of his eyes.

"Awfully presumptuous of you," you reply. "Maybe I don't want to go to dinner with you at all, nor fuck you for that matter."

"Y/N!" Angie scolds, hitting your arm.

"So that's your name? Y/N, pretty."

"Do I get your name?"

"Bucky Barnes," he says, "at your service."

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