Flower Tattoo [b.b]

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Premise: Flowers show up on your body every time your soulmate is injured. Unfortunately for Y/N and Bucky, neither of them is very good at staying uninjured.

Prompt: (36) "You have flowers all over you all time. What the hell is your soulmate doing!" (bolded)

Warnings: language (this like a for sure thing now), fluff, angst (just a bit), allusions to abuse but no description, blood, mild violence and gore (canon typical), some nsfw, 18+, allusions to smut, brief sexual nudity

A/N: I wrote this for jbbuckybarnes (tumblr) Writing Challenge 2020. Also, for the sake of this story, we're going to pretend that the Avengers won Infinity War, and everyone is alive. I wrote this in third person because I'm switching the point of view every once and a while and this makes it flow better for me. 

This is unedited (for the most part)

All of my translations are from Google Translate (ew I know) but I don't speak anything but English and, well, it's easy to access.

Solnyshko - little sun (Russian); Suka - bitch (Russian)


Even at twenty-one Bucky still had yet to see a flower appear on his skin. His Ma had told him to stop worrying about it, saying that maybe he was one of the few people that didn't have a soulmate. Steve said the same thing, and as hard as Bucky tried to hold onto that idea, he never could. Something about it didn't seem right.

"Got another date tonight Buck?" Steve asks.

"Yeah," Bucky sighs. "What about you?"

Steve stares at him flatly. "Buck, you know I don't go on dates."

"You should. There are plenty of dame out there that would love you," Bucky reasons.

"I'm not you," Steve says. "Girls don't like me."

Bucky stares at his friend, and at the small little flowers littering the parts of him visible. "Clearly someone is meant to. You've got flowers everywhere Stevie."

"Well unlike you, I want my soulmate to feel special."

"And unlike me you're not gonna know how to talk to her."


Y/N's nerves were on edge as Tony Stark and Natasha Romanoff surveyed the room. Every potential recruit being scrutinized under their gaze. Unlike so many of the others, she refused to lower her eyes when they came closer.

"Obviously you're all good," Stark begins. "You've made it this far." Natasha rolls her eyes, something Y/N's fighting not to do as well.

"What Tony means," she says, "is that we can only take a few of you from here and we need the best."

"You'll be going at lot of different types of missions if you do move on," Tony continues, "so, we need to make sure you're ready for anything."

The next thing Y/N knows, one of Tony's gloves is aiming right for her. Not thinking much about it she eyes it, hears it getting read to fire and ducks just before a blast shoots from it.

"Good reaction time," Natasha murmurs. "I expected more though."

"With all due respect," Y/N interjects. "I've found that the reaction with the least physical strain is often the wisest and the least expected on the field, and almost always just as effective."

Natasha smiles. "L/N, right?"


"I like you."

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