We stepped in the phuppo's home and the first thing she did was embraceing Bilal and patting Hamdan bhai's shoulder after saying that he was her tiger.

And I was ignored as usually, but then I was use to of that so I didn't feel bad but I held my mumma's hand

Hamdan bhai and Bilal both were busy in roaming around with our cousins and I was feeling bored sitting  silently in the corner of very big hall, when my gaze went to a face which gave a big grin on my face.

"Affo" I said happily and  went to her

"Shifaaaaaa" the crazy girl almost yelled to bust my eardrum and  I glared her while covering my ears with both hands.

"What are you doing here?" We both asked the same question to  one another and for the first time I got to know that Afifa was family friends of Phuppo's in-laws family.  Afifa's parents forced her to attend the family friend's function instead of Yaseen's sister's birthday party and luckily I got my best friend to pass my time....

But I wish she didn't come there, because due to her presence something was going to happen with me...

"Shifa come and meet mummy papa" Afifa said and I nodded happily I went to other side where her family was sitting and I really felt happy to meet them because they meet me warm heartedly.

"Affo really I'm so much happy that you are here otherwise I must be sitting in the same corner for whole time" I expressed the truth and she raised her imaginary collar.

"I'm like this" Miss drama queen said in dramatic way and I giggled.

"Come let me introduce you to Ifra aapi" Affi grabbed my wrist and pulled me happily.

"Affo who Ifra aapi?? Affo wait.." I was saying some but that deaf girl wasn't listening to me and

"Ifra aapi, see... She is my best friend Shifa and Shifa is my Ifra aapi she is like a friend for me" Afifa did an introduction and we both shake our hands with smile

"So you are Shifa, Afifa always talk about you" Ifra aapi said and I smiled.

"Affi she is very cute yaar" pinching my cheek Ifra aapi said and I just smiled, I didn't left bad due to  punching my cheek.

We were busy in talking, Ifra aapi was a talkative girl just like Afifa they both were talking unstoppably and I was laughing on their talks, I was really enjoying my time but...

"Ifra give me....... Ohh.. I'm sorry" I heard the voice of a guy from my backside and suddenly his shoulder touched with me when he stepped towards Ifra aapi, he apologize for that but didn't glanced at me as so I did.

"Ifra give me your mobile, I have to click pics" that guy said to Ifra aapi but I literally didn't lifted my head to saw him. 

"Faraz, I'm not giving you my mobile, you damage your mobile now you will  do the same with mine." Ifra aapi said in angry tone and I lifted my gaze to  saw her.

"Ifra Give me, otherwise..." He said and Afifa and me, we both giggled on their fight.

"I'm not asking but taking it from you" Saying that he snatch the mobile and we both laughed

"Faraaazzz...." Ifra aapi huffed and he turned to go back, he was going to collide with me but he suddenly stopped on his place as my heart stopped to beat for a moment.

He was the owner of handsome personality, neither very tall nor short, he was a medium height person, with a pair of brown eyes which was covered with rectangular glasses, which was going on very well on his oval face... He was wearing pair of dark blue jeans with white and gray striped t-shirt and black blazer. Overall he was the first boy who made me forget to blink and for the first time in fifteen years of my life. My heart was beating differently, it was like a chime in my heart. He was looking at me without blinking

My Mom's Personal Diary ✔️(Complete) Where stories live. Discover now