Two: Life After Love

Start from the beginning

"I'm going to buy groceries, do you want to come with me?" His mother asked, attempting to get the boy out of his room. It was way past noon and he hadn't even come down to eat.

"No thanks."

There was slight pause.  "Okay, then.  There's food in the kitchen for you."

He didn't reply.  The male sat in his bed, staring at his sheets mindlessly.  He was incredibly tired, yet his mind wouldn't let him rest.

All he saw was her.  Her smile, her face, her tears.  Tsukishima didn't think a breakup would be this bad, especially since their relationship was already rotten.

But no, it was exhausting for his mind.  It left him a lot more broken than he thought he'd end up.  There was huge, empty pit in his his chest and he didn't know what to do about it.

He had it all with her. The male never put so much energy into making sure Kohari saw the good in him. Of course, it was embarrassing, but she was just... everything he craved and she gave it.

Her playful and patient aura never clashed with his moodier and 'how lazy can I be, but still make it work' aura. Put simply, Kohari was the one.

And now, he was suffering from the repercussions because his ego got too inflated; because something in him believed she would stay... and knowing her, she would've, so that's why he ended it.

Because they couldn't go on.  The fights, Sapporo... it wouldn't work.

"Even if you never loved me—I still love you."

"Way to go, Kei." He muttered to himself. "You really do ruin everything, don't you?"

... Now, he was feeling like all his hard work went to waste.


"You're curious, aren't you?"  Kohari questioned, not meeting Lev's gaze as she looked out of the cafe's wall windows.  Her irises gazed over the happy people, the barking dogs, the busy street—city life was truly something else.

"You're talking about Tsukishima-san, aren't you?"  He muttered, his emerald, cat-like irises piercing through her.  "Of course I'm curious.  But it's not my business or whatever..."  He grumbled the last part as he replied. "If you're okay with telling me, I'm happy to listen; and if you're not, hey, that's fine, too."

The female turned to look at him, his tone changing multiple times during his little talk, didn't faze her, no, it was the fact a literal perfect answer just spouted from his lips.

"Why do you look so shocked?!"  Lev exclaimed, slamming his empty cup on the tiny wooden table.  Kohari only laughed.

"I wasn't expecting that answer.  Usually, all I get silence... because the person wants to know, but doesn't want to be upfront about it."  Leaning back in her seat, the female ran lazy hand through her hair.

"Sorry to say, Taira-chan, I'm far from the usual!"  He gloated, pointing a thumb at himself while he grinned at her stupidly.

"Very far..."  The ravenette replied, nodding her head sarcastically as she gave a 'really' smile; only to which the boy slumped, knowing he would never win against her.  It wasn't like her words hurt him in any way, as he understood her humor rather well, it was the fact it was her; she just had him wrapped around her finger.

And he didn't mind it, strangely.

"But really,"  She said.  "I'm more than okay to tell you... it's just that, I don't want you to see him as a bad person, because really, he's not.  I guess it was just time's way of telling us... it was the wrong time."

𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 𝐈 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 ― k. tsukishima ✓Where stories live. Discover now