Chapter Fifteen

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The Losing End: The Last Challenge

The Last Challenge.

I sighed and spaced out unable to think of what I should do. I've come this far and this is what they prepared for me at the end. I couldn't even hear anything at this point. If I were to give up now, I would be throwing everything I've earned in the bin. If I lose—

On the last will determine who the real winner is. However, if the exes win this challenge, we will be having the twelfth battle and the last. The last challenge will be a battle of moves and grooves. See you all at KSPO Dome on Saturday at 8 in the evening!

"Why—" I bury my face over my hands in frustration. "Why does it have to be something I can't do?" I was tearing up. I felt so confident after winning five battles and now I have to face another challenge that'll pull me down. "Why are they coming up with challenges that aren't good for me? Just why."

"Nami, don't do it,"

"Mark would say so himself if he was here."

I sighed and looked at the guys, Taeyong, HIkaru and Johnny. Jaehyun and Mark were apparently still too busy with their classes and all I got was them to relieve my stress and anxiety over the things that keep bothering me recently. "But if I don't win..." I'd be losing Mark too.

"You don't have to win, Nami-chan." I looked at Hikaru.

"You really got nothing to lose here, sis." Johnny suddenly cuts him off making me turn to him in worry. I know I got nothing to lose if it weren't for his father but he's involved in this and no matter how much they say I got nothing to lose, I do have because he's got my neck tied in this competition. "Mark won't leave you even if you lose this. He won't leave you even if you win."

"No. It's not that Johnny. It's not—"

"Just tell them already, Nami."

I looked at Taeyong in fear. The fact that he already said that makes me nervous of how the two received the message. I was starting to have a hard time breathing. I felt like my chest is tightening and I just need to breathe but I knew it can't get better if I dodge this out of the way after he just announced that.

"What do you mean?"

"What's he talking about?"

I turned back to Hikaru and Johnny with a big gulp. "Nothing. I just—"

"Nami. It'll help you a lot if you share the burdens you're weighing on your shoulders. It's best you let them know instead of trying to figure out what to do alone and to be completely honest, I need people to help me convince you not to continue with that shit."

"I already told you Taeyong. This cannot be something Mark should know about. Please—"

"For Pete's sake, I'm trying to help you here, Nami. I'm telling you it's best if you just told them because you need help and I'm not enough to help you with the kind of situation you're facing right now."

"Okay, stop! What the heavens are you both talking about?!"

"Nami, tell them!"

"I just," I looked down and my head throb in pain.


"Okay!" I pressed my lips together and turned to the both of them in hesitation. "Mark's," I paused trying to catch my breath. "His dad told me that he's arranging a marriage for Mark with a different girl,"


"And the only way for me to save my relationship with him is if I win this challenge. Because if I don't, I'd be losing Mark."

"So is this why you're so desperate to win every challenge? Because you were actually threatened by his dad?"

"Now that you guys know, let's convince her not to do that challenge and think of a way to resolve the consequence. Nami's currently on the lead with five wins and if she loses this, they will be tied and another challenge will be made and it's safer to—"

"I still can't believe Uncle Donghyun actually made you sign up for that? Does Mark know about this?" Johnny asked crossing his arms.

I looked down and lightly shaking my head.

"Nami-chan, why did you carry that struggle all to yourself? We would have helped you throughout the competition. I'm so disappointed that you only mentioned this to us when it's already ending."

"Wait." Johnny suddenly spoke again. "So how did you know about this?" He turns to Taeyong but before he could even answer, I replied.

"He saw me get out of their company then confronted me about it just recently."

Johnny looked away.

Dancing. My ankle rested from dancing about two years ago and it hurts my pride to degrade my own self from the title I used to hold. "I'll do it." I said and everyone turned to me with shocked expressions. "I want to do it again." The thought of dancing excited me but at the same time horrified me. I wasn't ready to face any consequence I might encounter as I take on this challenge. "I won't pass on something I was once proud of and lose."


"Nami, you have to understand that it won't do you any good if you decide to take on this challenge. Sure you'll lose but—"

"It's not about Mark this time, Johnny. This is about me not wanting to lose to dancing by someone – especially if it's Mark's ex. I can't lose to Mark's ex with dancing."

"You're being stubborn again, Nami! You're putting your own life on the line here and you still want to push through over something that would draw a line between you and Mark when Mark is technically the only person who can make his own fate. Not that stupid challenge. Not his exes. Not even his father!"

"Why," We all froze. "—are you all yelling at each other?"


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