Chapter Two

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Russian Roulette

"Is it true? The challenge?"

"I know! It's trending in Naver. I think it's going to be broadcasted worldwide too. I bet the organization behind this is a princess in her country. I mean to host and be able to promote such petition must have been invested by people who live in gold."

"You think she stands a chance?"

Suddenly, everyone was gossiping more than they did the last time I heard them murmur like this. It would have been fine if I couldn't hear everything they were talking about but I was hearing it all loud and clear, and I do know about this stupid challenge. It's been the talk of the internet and there's just no way that I wouldn't have possibly known specially that my name is being called out by an anonymous website which was absolutely made possible by people who supported.


The captivating headline was intriguing itself. The fact that they're really calling out to me by my full real name, which they surprisingly know, is something I should be worried about even if my friends tell me that it shouldn't get to my head.

My relationship with Mark has been peaceful until this day and I just knew that it was too quiet to be true. Something like this was supposed to happen either way. I've been so happy with Mark that I never really thought of those other girls that liked Mark so much as much as I do before I even admitted that to myself. I should have expected something like this. I guess, I got too carried away by my feelings that I almost forgot that Mark made a name of his own. He's like a celebrity now and I'm in a situation where I needed to face the consequences of it all.

"Stop visiting that site."

I glared at Mark. "Even you know it."

"For one, it's all over the internet. As your loving boyfriend, I order you to not look at this garbage. They're just a bunch of insecure ladies that're jealous of your position in my life right now and really, I don't blame them. I'm a pretty good boyfriend, aren't I?"

I turned to Mark who just grabbed my phone away from me. "Pretty good boyfriend—" I squinted my eyes mocking his words. "Give it back!"

"No." Mark firmly answers, stretching my phone way up high so I couldn't reach. "Why are you even looking at it? It's probably some jellybean girls that want to scare you. You shouldn't be affected by all this."

"I am not affected." I crouched in defeat and looked down. "I was just curious of what everyone was talking about."

"Good." He pulls me closer to him so I crouch away from him by surprise. "You know it's just you right?"

I shook my head and he smacks his forehead against mine. "Ouch And what was that for?!" I frowned at him and he just chuckles which made my blood boil hotter. "That really hurt. I'm gonna get you for that."

"Before you kill each other, hey Mark,"

We both looked up to see all three of his friends, Taeyong, Johnny and Jaehyun, standing before us. I immediately push Mark away from me and fixed myself. I have always been comfortable with showing my affection to Mark in front of his friends but I was feeling uncomfortable today. Partly because Mark might have already told them about what happened to us yesterday. I don't regret anything. I was just a little taken by surprise by the sudden – well, move (?) he made.

"It's Chenle's birthday. We were supposed to meet the kids an hour ago."

"I'll meet you guys at the entr—"

Hallmark (Marked Series #3) | NCT Mark AU FictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ