"Whatever, Hakuna." Mark raises a brow. He still doesn't like Hikaru even after everything we've been through. Hikaru's such a nice a guy and he doesn't deserve the hate from Mark and he's still my childhood friend no matter what.

"You two are so immature." Jaehyun comments.

"He is." Hikaru points at Mark.

"The point is," Mark finally breaks the ice. "Chloe's not exactly a normal girl." he suddenly said. "She's a singer in America. She had a full album released by a record label and she's idolized by many people. I'd say that she'd even have an entire fandom to support her on this challenge. I honestly don't know why she agreed to participate in this competition. I feel like it'll degrade her pride and ego if in some way, Nami manages to beat her."

I frowned.

"How were you even able to date these high tier women, Mark? That's just the mystery to me right now."

"I'm pretty much royal."

Johnny raises his brows in mock. "Right." He replied sarcastically. "As if." He whispers with a small snort.

"Are you guys even allowed to be here?" I asked to break whatever tension Johnny keeps on building up.

"The host said that we can come over to look after you,"


"So what are you going to sing, Nami?" Jaehyun asked again.

I looked down and sighed. "I," I paused in shame. "Don't know - yet."

"What happened to arrogant and enthusiastic Nami?" Johnny suddenly pulls up my hair and acts like he was examining my pores. "Don't let your insecurities get to you, sis. It would be a waste of Mark's undying and embarrassing faith for you."

"Stop messing with her, Johnny. She already looks nervous enough."

"I know what I want to sing now."

"Welcome back, everyone! Before we officially begin the competition, allow me to introduce the judges for today's challenge." I looked over the panel just across the stage and saw four people – three boys and a girl. "From GY Entertainment, Mr. Yang Hyunsuk!" Claps. "From PYJ Entertainment, Park Jin Young!" Claps. "From SF Music, Ms. Kim Soyoo!" Cheers. "And finally, from Antlan Records, Jay Park!"

I gulped. I should prepare myself for the embarrassment I'm about to make.

"As we all know, today is going to be a singing contest for both rivals and the four judges, fairly hand-picked to judge both singers objectively, will make the contest valid and righteous. The first singer who will perform is the one who got number one which is, Ms. Chloe Stuart! Let's give her a big round of applause."

You can take everything I have

You can break everything I am

Like I'm made of glass

Like I'm made of paper

Go on and try to tear me down

I will be rising from the ground

Like a skyscraper, like a skyscraper

"Is it just me or it felt like we just had a free concert of Ms. Stuart? Let me just say that it truly is an honor to have you here, Ms. Stuart."

"I feel honored as well. I've never been here in Korea and I think I should have my team arrange a few concerts here and there." Chloe says and the crowd cheers.

I couldn't even roll my eyes because I was too nervous.

"And Mark... you must be proud this is happening right now. Congrats!" She says sarcastically. "Let's both watch what you replaced me with and let the results speak for itself." The crowd screams louder and my heart accelerated faster with it.

"Now let's all give it up for, Nami Fukuyama!" A fair amount cheered for me but I'm guessing it's all Johnny's mouths cheering at once.

Chloe looks down at me with a smirk before handing over the microphone. "Good luck. You need it." Her makeup was so intense, it makes everything about her intense. She obviously had a professional team work on her makeup and here I was, plain and an empty canvas. God, what am I doing with my life?

날개를 활짝펴고

세상을 자유롭게 날거야

노래하며 춤추는 나는 아름다운 나비

날개를 활짝펴고

세상을 자유롭게 날거야

노래하며 춤추는

나는 아름다운

"Now that we've heard both ladies, who were both equally talented, let's start the deliberation between the judges and while that's happening, we will have a special number by Shaun with his hot single, Way Back Home!"

During that whole number by the idol, I couldn't help but space out. I know I could have done better but what's done is done and I already knew the results. If the judges will be very objective, Chloe definitely wins. Nothing's jaw dropping with my performance.


I looked up and saw the boys heading towards me. Ever since Sohee left, I felt like I've spent a fairly huge amount of time with these five. Sometimes, Jonah and Taeyong included but most of the time it's Jaehyun, Hikaru, Mark and Johnny.

"You did well." Jaehyun gives me a pat by my shoulder.

"You were great, princess." Mark wraps his arms around me and I feel him kiss my forehead before hugging me tighter than two seconds ago. I sighed. Sometimes I wonder if Mark really believes in me this much. It felt too unreal.

"You always say that." Johnny rolls his eyes. "It's pretty obvious that you were bad and that Chloe's winning today's match."

Jaehyun slaps his chest and shakes his head before turning to me to probably check if I was looking but I have seen it all.

I looked down with a sigh.

"Don't listen to him, okay?" I hear Mark say who haven't let me go yet and I quite like it in his arms. Makes me feel appreciated. "You're going to win. And you already have," I looked up to him and he was looking back at me as he flashes me a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, for sure you'll win this." Johnny says. "Since, you know, I bought all the judges and told them to make you the winner."

"Oh my God. Can you not stop your mouth, Johnny?" Jaehyun shakes his head down. "You have talking issues to fix."

"What? I'm stating facts here people!"

"Yeah but you don't have to rub it in,"

"It's fine. He's right after all." I admit and everyone just fell silent. I guess they all felt the same way but they were just trying so hard to make the environment positive. If I lose this one, I'm still ahead. I can't lose again.

Hallmark (Marked Series #3) | NCT Mark AU FictionWhere stories live. Discover now