"Whoops," I giggled.

"Whoops indeed!" Louis called out. "Now you must endure the consequences!"

"Oh Lou-Lou," Harry had walked up behind Louis and draped his arm along his shoulders, "Give the kids a break. At least Liam looks happy and thank the Lord he has finally made a move!"

I peaked at Liam whose cheeks were turning pink.

"Come on guys, we have to do sound check."

"OH NOW HE WANTS TO WORK!" Louis exclaimed. "Come on lover boy," he was pulled

away from me, "go get your mic so we can start!

Louis gave me a shove towards the steps. I stuck my tongue out at him but willingly went and stood by the other girls.

"Steamy make out session yes?" Marisa wiggled her eyebrows and Amalia shot me an accusing look.

"I admit nothing," I winked.

"But you don't deny it, do you?" Lauren pressed.

I laughed awkwardly which was enough to confirm their suspicions. I receive slaps on the backs as a result.

"Took him long enough," Mrs. Sorin came up behind us. "However, distracting that boy from his work... Tisk, tisk."

Lauren let out a laugh, "Yes because Amalia has never distracted Niall..."

Mrs. Sorin cut her daughter off with an evil eye. "I don't even want to know. Don't even bring it up. What about you, sweetie," she turned towards Marisa. "How is Zayn?"

All of us looked at her accusingly. "A friend. A good friend," she smiled. "And I am content with that right now."

"Good for you, sweetheart," Mrs. Sorin placed her hand gently on her arm. "Don't let those naughty boys push you any farther than you are ready to go." She said this with an accusing glance back towards me and Amalia.

We both put our hands up in defense.

"Hey now, I've known Niall for two years!"

"I've known Liam for two months?"

"It's not even been that long. You guys really know how to get it on," Harry had been listening

into our conversation.

Harry's snarky comment earned him another slap from Liam, who winked at me.

I smiled back.

"Oh barf," Louis gagged.

"You want a beating, too?" Liam chased him across the stage.

"BOYS! I AM GOING TO BAND GIRLS FROM SOUND CHECK IF YOU DON'T GET IT TOGETHER AND START PREFORMING!" a short woman walked onto stage in what seemed like twelve inch heels.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Mrs. Sorin.

"The wicked witch of the UK," she muttered.

"It's their PR manager or something," Marisa shrugged. "She's bitchy."

"Temporary PR. Their real one is on maternity leave. This one is evil. We all hate her," Lauren spat.

I glanced up at the woman who was now chewing out the boys. They all looked at her not caring about what she was saying.

Liam said something to the woman that made her stop talking. She looked at him shocked, but then turned and walked off stage.

"I wonder what he said to her," Lauren spoke her thoughts out loud.

"Let's find out," Amalia motioned for Niall to come over to her. Of course he did.

"What was that about?" she asked him.

Niall threw his head back and laughed, "The wicked witch was lecturing us about how irresponsible we are and how we suck and are terrible."

"What did Liam say?" I asked.

"Well, Liam took a bound of courage I have never seen before. Clearly, he was fed up. Probably because she was bad talking you... Anyway, Liam snapped and said something along the lines of go and look at the charts because we have a whole bunch of songs on there. Long story short, it was like insert bad word here off."

"Snap," Mrs. Sorin laughed. "Good for Liam. That lady needs to learn that she doesn't run the show around here."

"I think she got the message," Niall chuckled. "Now if you'd excuse me ladies, we have a show to prepare for." He gave us all a wink before heading back to the other boys.

Zayn grabbed his microphone off the floor and spoke into it, "This song goes out to all the ladies in the crowd. We love you and thanks for being here."

The song that was clearly dedicated to me, Lauren, Amalia, and Marisa started to play. I didn't know what it was so I was excited but the others girls started squealing when they heard the instrumental at the beginning.

I shushed them wanting to hear the song.

Liam started –

I've tried playing it cool.

But when I'm looking at you

I can't ever be brave

Cause you make my heart race

Harry stepped forward and walked towards the center of the stage.

Shot me outta the sky

You're my kryptonite

You keep making me weak

Frozen and can't breathe.

The other boys joined him and continued on with the song. By the time they were done I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. There was no way I could put up with a whole show. They were just too good.

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