About half way through the movie, Zayn put his arm around me. I scooted closer to him when he did. I hear him chuckle lowly when I did.

When the movie was over, we went to throw our popcorn and pops away.

"How does ice-cream sound? Want a milkshake?"

"Sounds delicious," I grinned licking my lips.

"Let's go then!" He opened the theater door for me and that's when the madness hit.

Flashing lights, the clicks of cameras. I shielded my eyes with my hands so I could see. Zayn's arm was around my waist in an instant pulling me to him. The photographers were screaming Zayn's name and trying to figure out who I was.

"Smile and walk," he whispered in my ear. "I'm so sorry."

I gave him an understanding look as we walked to the ice cream shop down the block. Once we were inside, he let go of me.

"Sorry Riss... I don't know what to say."

"Oh really Zayn. DO you think I would hang out in public with you and think that people wouldn't recognize you?" I rolled my eyes. "Stop apologizing for something you can't control." I smiled at him caringly. "Let's get so milkshakes!" I exclaimed with way too much enthusiasm.

"YEAH!" he shouted.

We ordered and sat down in a corner away from the windows.

"Wanna play rapid fire?" I asked him taking a drink of my chocolate milkshake and whipping my mouth.

"Yeah," he bounced in his chair. "You ask first."

"Favorite animal?"

"Zebra. Apples or oranges?"

"Neither, grapes. Favorite movie?"

"Hangover. Favor place to go on a first date?"


Zayn looked at me disgusted. "You would really torment a guy on a first date with shopping? What kind of terrible date are you?"

"It's rapid fire Zayn! I just said the first thing that came to my mind. I actually hate shopping! Now go! Ask a question! You're wasting precious time!" I waved my arms in the air.

"Right, right, right. What is the worst thing you've ever told someone to their face?"

"I told my parents to .... bug ... off. Got grounded for a month. Don't use the word bug when you are thirteen."

Zayn tumbled over in laughter.

"If you were to die tomorrow, what is one thing you would want to do today?"

"Jump out of a plane!"

"Suicide or with a parachute?" I questioned.

"Parachute. But that's an interesting aspect I hadn't considered. What is the wildest thing you've ever done?"
"Broke my curfew."

"Really?" he asked surprised.

"I'm not proud of this and it only happened once, but my curfew was at 2AM. I came home at eight completely hung over. I was sixteen."

"Never, ever, ever, would have guessed that. How long did you get grounded that time?"

"Two weeks."

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