My hair was slightly wavy. My cheeks slightly pink, due to Marisa's wonderful play on makeup. My eyes looked big and very blue.

Marisa fit perfectly into my skirt. We were both excited by the fact that we were the same clothes size. She threw on a red sports bar. On top she layered a grey crop top that said "Love" in red. The shirt barely covered her entire stomach. If she would put her arms up, you would be able to see her toned soccer stomach. I lent Marisa a pair of silver earrings and a big red heart necklace I had.

Suddenly, I loved having a roommate who I could always share clothes with. It made life, and finding the perfect outfit, a heck of a lot easier.

After straighten Marisa's hair we touched up her nearly perfect makeup. That's when we heard a knock on the door. I left Marisa to fixing her eyeliner to greet the knocker. It was Madison. Marisa and I had hung out with her plenty over the last week. She was hilarious –never boring to be around.

I let her in but told her we were leaving shortly.

"Oh, you guys look good! Hot dates or something?" she joked.

Marisa flashed me a panicked look that I just ignored. "Just going to meet up with some friends I met my first week here. They don't go here..."

She held her hands in front of her body, "Won't ask don't tell –I gotcha." Marisa and I laughed."I'm on my way to Ryan's friend's room to watch a movie. I was just gonna see if you guys wanted to come but clearly," she waved her hand as though she was presenting us, "you have a more important place to be. Have fun ladies."

We walked with Mads too the elevator but she was going up and we were going down.

Marisa and I made our way to the edge of campus and piled into her car that her parents are sent over.

"Where to?" she asked starting the engine. I gave her the address and twenty minutes later we arrived.

We arrived at venue. Security stopped us, telling us to turn around. I gave them the piece of paper Liam had emailed to me. They looked at the paper, then back and me and Marisa, then back at the paper again. Handing the paper back to me, they waved us through and showed us where to park.

"This isn't actually happening," Marisa muttered under her breath as we were lead into the building. "Char you don't know this place do you. This is the O2. You can't just rent this place out. This is a dream."

She was trying to convince herself.

"EYYY! ROBBIE!" a boy exploded from behind a closed door. Apparently the security guards name was Robbie.

"Hi Niall, do you know these two girls," Robbie motioned towards us.

"Well that there is Charlotte. I'm surprised you haven't heard Liam gushing over her." He gave a smile and a slight wave. "And I'm assuming that is her lovely roommate Marisa, yes?"

Marisa nodded and waved at the blonde haired blue eyed boy.
"I'll escort them from here." The security guard shrugged as he left us with Niall.

"How are you?" I asked with a smile.

"Long time no see. I'm mighty find and you?"

I told him all was well and formally introduced Marisa.

"This isn't meant to be creepy but your eyes are even bluer in person," she laughed confidently. "I didn't even think that was possible!"

"Why thank you," he said followed by a funny face that made both of us laugh.

"So what," I asked as he led us through the backstage hallways. "You guys can just rent out the O2 whenever you want?"

"Liam was going to tell you tonight but since you brought it up I'll go ahead and say it. We are having a benefit concert next week for this charity that we support. O2 actually offered to let us use it considering they would get concession money. You two are most definitely coming, by the way."
"Maybe," I shrugged as I lightly pushed him.

"Oh as long as you don't have anything better to do," he shook his head cracking another funny face. "Alright, right through here."

Niall pushed away a black curtain and led us up onto a black platform. Pushing away another curtain, Marisa and I realized we were on stage. We were standing on stage in The O2. We both gasped.

The stadium was completely empty but it was huge. Both of our eyes scanned the empty seats taking in what we were seeing. Here and there, there were a few management people pulling cords or messing with something. I scanned back to the stage to see Harry and Louis dancing like, well, like idiots to a song that must have been playing on the phone that Harry was holding.

Zayn and Liam were sitting at the end of the catwalk talking with Amalia and another girl who looked younger than us. Niall led us to where the four were sitting. Harry yelled out my name when he saw me grasping the others attention. The four stood up and met us half way.

"Hey," Liam greeted me with a smile and a hug. I pulled him close fastening my arms around him tightly. I pressed my cheek against his chest.

"Hey," I replied back, my voice muffled by his white t-shirt.

After being released from his grip, I stepped back and hugged Zayn and Amalia.

"And this is Marisa as you may or may not remember."

"Oh we remember," Liam chuckled giving her a hug, Zayn mimicking his actions.

The girl who had been sitting with them was standing awkwardly behind Amalia.

"Oh yes," Zayn said remembering she was there, "This is Amalia's little sister Lauren. She is sixteen."

Marisa and I said hello and she smiled back.

"So should we get this party started?" Liam asked slinging an arm around my waist.

I smiled at him. "Definitely!"

As we walked back to the main part of the stage, Liam let everyone pass in front of us before leading me. His arm still fastened at my waist, he bent over slightly and said, "You look beautiful."

His warm breath against my neck sent shivers down my spine.

I could tell it was going to be a great night.

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