Chapter 38: I summon thee

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The man watched as the circle was being drawn in the blood of that demon girl. Every symbol, every was all there. It glowed a vibrant red as if calling out to something...someone. Vox smiled as Henroin turned away from the summoning circle. They where in one of Henroin warehouses, one far away from the cities.

Valetino stood behind him as they watched the man say something to a few of his of them being his own son. The dark-haired man finally turned to Valentino and Vox, their process had been going well over this past month. They had to gather multiple things just for this summoning...after all,

summoning an angel was far more difficult than summoning a demon. Every drop of the sigil was Charlie's blood, every sign every was all taken from her demon blood. There where several other items that had to obtain before the summoning was ready. This included something relating to that angel's life. For that Henroin had gotten a hold of, it was by far the difficulty object to obtain in all of those..but he'd done it nonetheless.

The other items where small things, something from this time period DNA from the supposed demon royalist aside from her blood (a strain of her hair fit nicely) a white feather of some sort..

Finally, it had all been obtained....Now in the center outskirts of the circle just near the edge lay the items,

The white feather, strain of blonde hair, a new paper article from this time period, and for the angel's item...a microphone.

Henroin now stood eyeing the sigial, mentally going over everything and making sure it was all in place. He had everything he needed.......almost everything. He turned to look at Vox and Valentino who where idly standing by and watching the entire thing. Henroin stalked up to them with his usual expression to that gruff looking face.

"That bitches blood really did help, ya' came through after all Vox." Henroin praised the man who only smiled, resting his hands behind his back.

"Well the pleasures all mine, my good friend." Henroin chuckled, a low and ark laugh as those black eyes stared at the pair. He raised one of his hands and gave it a wave in the air, at that point several clicks sounded in the air...Vox and Valentino, alarmed, looked around them.

Guns, they where all pointed at them,

..and with no escape.

At this point Vox trained his eyes on the other mans retreating figure as he walked back near the sigil. "What the fuck is this!" Valentino was the first to say, "We've been crossed, Val. The question is, why." Vox interjected, calm as always despite the guns aimed at his head.

"I would say I'm sorry, but I ain't." Henroin spoke, his arms crossed as he walked. He paused infront of the sigil before turning to Vox and Valentino, both of which where now glaring at him. "Hate to do dis to ya' but the sigil requires one more thing. Dat bein' two human scarifies, someone with a soul darker than this fuckin' town." Henroin snapped his fingers, the guns clicked again and several men approached the pair, some holding ropes..others holding guns.

The radio demon's Angel.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang