Chapter 7: Wining down and waking up.

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Why does Alastor suddenly begin to play Jazz Music?

Answer: Alastor remembered Angel does not like silence,

however he does not know why he did such a thing for



Enjoy the chapter~

Angel cleaned up the plates from dinner, it had gone just how he imagined.......


Neither of them had really talked and Angel had no problem with that, they simply ate listening to the sound of a softer jazz that played in the apartment. The food was good actually, though he didn't want to real say anything about it. He didn't want to give the other any idea's about how to control him. 

Now Angel was standing over the sink washing the bowls as Alastor sat quietly on one of the couches. He sighed finishing the last dish and placing it away to dry before turning the water off and drying his hands. He caught the other glancing in his direction once more twice but he assumed the demon was simply taken aback by his casual appearance, it did feel a bit weird to have his gloves off though it was nice to air his hands out. The red A engraved into his hand was emitting a soft red glow, as if it knew Alastor was near. 

He placed the towel he was using to dry his hands off down before turning to look at the round clock on the wall for the time. It was currently 11:30 at night, and although Angel did feel a bit fatigued from the long day, he didn't want to go to bed just yet; not that he'd fall asleep right away anyway. 

Alastor watched Angel walk into the living room, his eye good eye half-lidded, his brown eyes looked hazy and unclear. Clearly he was worn out, 

"You look a bit tired, perhaps some sleep would do you some good." Alastor wasn't sure why he'd said that, he hadn't really cared if the human passed out from exhaustion. Sleep was something he didn't really need and therefor found it pointless, even when he was alive he didn't sleep very much.

Angel ran a hand through his hair that looked a bit messy, "Nah, I'm fine." he walked back into the kitchen for a second, Alastor kept his eyes on the box TV as it went on about the news, the usual of course-killing, rape, drugs-nothing Alastor wasn't already used to hearing by now. 

The radio demon's Angel.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant