Ch. 4 Dad?

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This chapter will be sorta short. Sorry!

I paused and pulled out my phone. I walked out of the shop as I studied the number. It was Unown. Figuring it was a fan, I answered with a cheery voice.

"Hi! Sonic the Hedgehog here, how can I help you?" 

Then there was silence on the other end before, "Sonic. You've grown so much! How old are you now? 20?"

I paused for a second, tears welling up in my eyes. I recognized this voice! Almost speechless I whispered, "Dad?"

"Yeah, and you better believe it son! I'm sorry for disowning you. Are you okay?"

By now, I was sitting on a park bench, crying my eyes out. You would too if you hadn't seen or talked to your dad in five years then out of the blue he calls you! "I missed you! FIVE YEARS DAD! FIVE GOSH DANG YEARS! And I didn't have your support when I became the foster parent to Tails! I needed you when I started college and high school! I NEEDED YOU! And you weren't there!" I sobbed into the phone. 

My shouting and me, in general, gained a small crowd which I was unaware of.

My dad tried to say something but I cut him off with, "And I need you now."

"I...son...Sonic, I-I'm sorry for not being there. I'm sorry for everything you suffered because I wasn't there. All because I didn't like you being gay. That was foolish of me. Are you still gay?"

"YES! I'm still gay! That's what I wanted to talk about!" By now I had noticed the crowd and shooed them away with my hands. "DON'T YOU DARE HANG UP!" I said when Dad's end got quiet. 

"Okay," Dad said. "Dr. Woodler is in. Tell me, what's troubling your young mind?

I laughed at Dad's humor then started with, "So there's this guy I like..."

I got up and walked around the park while Dad helped me dissect my emotions. When Dad hung up, I felt a whole lot better and I realized that Shadow probably did love me, he just didn't know what to do as he always thought he was straight. And even better, Dad invited me to come to his house in a month! I was SO happy! I put my phone back and looked up. The sky was blue, it was a warm spring day, the birds were singing, and my Dad and I made up! This was the best day of my life. 

Even so, I didn't feel like running just then. I decided to take the long way home. Through the city. (Besides, I sorta wanted to be seen. I do love the attention!) So I pulled out my earbuds, put them in my ears, plugged them into my phone, and picked the playlist 'Sonic's Songs'. Then the phone went back into my pocket. Then with music playing in my ears, I started walking home, happier than I had been in a long time.

Sorta like this. Credit goes to the rightful owner. (shadow45790 on DeviantArt)

 (shadow45790 on DeviantArt)

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