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life had been awfully hectic lately. jenna let out a loud groan as she began attempts at shoving her wardrobe into the black suitcase.

iceland was only a few mere days away and that made jenna nervous.

tyler had been working his ass off like no other. this time, jenna gave him his own zone, no questions asked.

the blonde felt her eyes falter at her exhaustion. the world always seemed to move far too fast for the night owls. late nights and early mornings were something jenna was beginning to dread.

her delicate, manicured hands still folded away at the cloths before they were stuffed away in a suitcase. she always giggled at tyler's, nearing, all black wardrobe.

tyler's slippered footsteps were heard across the wood floors to the carpet of their shared bedroom.

as he approached the blonde, he rested his hands on her shoulders, massaging her soft skin. she hummed softly through her soft lips, leaning deeper into tyler's callous littered hands.

"why are you up?" his voice rasped. jenna lifted her head back to see him. she couldn't help but lend a gentle smile, still as he rubbed her back.

"we leave in a couple days." her eyes were now closed as she melted into the pressure of tyler's hands.

the brunette now sat on his knees beside her, guiding her hands away from folding anything else.

"i'm a big boy, i think i can pack my own clothes." he chuckled, his soft blushed lips pecking away at jenna's freckled shoulder.

"didn't you end up borrowing some of josh's boxers last time you packed on your own?" her sweet cheeks rising with a smile while she giggled at the memory.

"that was one time." tyler groaned playfully. his  face quickly blushed.

"one time too many, ty." she scrunched her face.

nonetheless, tyler guided her to her feet and to their bed. she was happy to feel the white silk envelop her body. she was even happier to feel tyler slide in right next to her.

"tell me what's on your mind, honey." tyler's voice was like fresh silk.

"it's just a whole lot of overthinking." she gave a dry laugh.

an admirable quality of tyler's was the way he was able to read a person and how he was able to apply his energy to match theirs healthily.

his hands moved to her hips, fingers gracing over the delicate skin as her sweatpants sat right under her hipbone.

"about what?" his bushy eyebrows furrowed curiously. the obscure overhang of silence made jenna move closer into his body.

"i don't know. i don't want to sound so self absorbed but, i'm also tired of feeling useless." the blonde tried to be careful with her words.

tyler left room for silence, giving her space to elaborate. jenna bit her lip.

"i feel like i'm always just a side piece, that means nothing negative toward you because you know how incredibly proud i am of you. i think it's self disappointment? i want more out of myself, you know?" her voice was almost at a mumble.

tyler placed his fingertips under jenna's chin, propping her head to look up at him. his rose dusted cheeks and pale freckles sent her mind through spirals.

"no matter what you do, i'm always gonna be proud of you. frankly, i don't think i'd be alive if it weren't for you." tyler huffed a small chuckle. "you aren't useless and you definitely aren't some domestic little cliche side piece. the media doesn't know you like i do."

he gently left a small kiss to her forehead. she nearly melted.

"i can't tell you how much i love you." jenna spoke, blue eyes wide. she leaned to leave a kiss on tyler's pink, lightly chapped, lips.

"i live for you, jenna joseph."

and somehow, that made that four letter L-word feel like nothing.

smithereens (a rebounds sequel) (discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now