Appearances and Resistance Base

Start from the beginning

Poe pulled out in front of Rey and took a right as Rey followed. "Here, y'all can look for songs on my cloud." Rey continued and handed her phone to Ben. "Ok... What was that song that you sang that night?" Ben asked as he pulled up the search bar for her cloud. "History of Violence." Rey spoke, smiling to herself as she said it. As Ben clicked the song it came onto the radio.

They listened to music, switching to each person for song suggestions. As they took a turn, the Resistance base was in full view. It was a gorgeous building that radiated with positivity and happiness. "This is the most beautiful place I've seen here!" Rey smiled as Ben smirked. "That's because we are in Beaumont Texas, not Port Neches anymore." Ben added as her smile grew wider and they pulled in.

After exiting the cars, BB-8 beeped in excitement as they walked closer. "I know right!" Rey added as she looked down at the droid. As Rey held the door for everyone, Ben, Hux, and Phasma all shown signs of fear. "Just stick by us, if they mess with one they mess with all." Rey smiled a reassuring smile a companied by soft smiles as they entered.

The place held planes like no other and people ran around with a controled chaos as two slim figures approached the group of six.

"Poe Dameron, seems First Order scums entered while the door was open, Kylo Ren." One of the figures glared at the people that stood behind Rey. The girl wore a skin tight jump suit that was maroon in color with a supply belt around her waist and a gold helmet over her head that jetted out behind her head. "Zorii, This is Rey, Ben, Hux, and Phasma; they came wanting to join the Resistance. They're tired of First Order... They're no different from Finn." Poe answered her question. "Says the spice runner." Zorii replied as shocked faces came from behind Poe. "You were a spice runner?" Rey asked as Poe turned to see most of them hiding grins of laughter. "And you were a scavenger?" Poe retorted as Finn continued "You were a spice runner?" He asked as Poe shot him a glare. "And you were an ex-stormtrooper? I can do this all day." Poe exclaimed as he shifted his weight to the side. The group burst into laughter as Poe couldn't help a small smile play on his face. "We need to see General... Can we see her?" Poe asked turning to Zorii and the other girl again. "Sure, I'll bring you to her." The other girl smiled at them. "Thanks Rose." Finn said, identifying the other girl who wore a light tan long-sleeve shirt and black jeans and a brown supply belt. She had a short bob for her hair and a bun in the back of her head with a yang metal necklace on her chest.

She led the small group up the stairs as Hux, Ben, and Phasma stayed real close to Rey and Finn as Poe walked head talking to Rose. Ben gripped Rey's wrist real hard as a mechanical bang rang through the in closed place. "Are you ok?" Rey whispered while looking up at Ben, "You seem really on edge." Rey continued as the giant that had at least two feet on her looked down. "Just...nervous..." He whispered looking away as a flush of heat overwhelmed his cheeks giving them a bright pink shine. Rey smiled and rubbed her thumb over his hand. "Don't worry, you're not the only one nervous here." She whispered a laugh as a smile crept onto Ben's face. "We'll do this together ok?" Rey added as a slight smile became clear on Ben's face.

Rose led them up some stairs and to a door that had in bold letters "GENERAL ORGANA" across the front. Poe smiled at Rose as she left to go back down stairs. Poe knocked on the door and a female voice rang through the door but muffled in sound. "Who is it?" She asked while the door was still closed. Instead of replying, Poe cracked the door so she could only see him. "Ahh, Poe. I sure hope you're here with my son." She joked in a playful voice as she chuckled along with her comment. "You never know General, but I have some new people for you. Three of them are First Order..." Poe added after he finished talking and it was almost as if you could here the smile in her voice. "Please, come in." She responded and Poe widen the door more but from where she was sitting, you could only see Finn and Poe.

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