Apartments and pizza

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Rey drove as Finn and Poe argued over the stereo in the back seat. "How about the passenger chooses the music we listen to, then we can switch every time to new stations," Rey spoke as Ben looked her direction with a confused face.

He thought about her being Resistance, He knew she had probably bought the shirt while at the airport but she had the sticker on the back of the truck and her jewelry that she wore on her neck and fingers. He smiled at her "you can choose the music." He said and looked back at the window.

She frowned and connected her phone to the stereo. She played some calming music and drove in silence. Finn and Poe talked quietly in the back while Rey sang some of the songs to herself. Ben wished she would just talk to him but he knew he was the outsider and knew he was going to fall back into the dreaded afternoon.

As Rey pulled up to her apartment, Ben looked at her puzzled. "This is your flat?" He asked still puzzled. "Yes." She said with a smile as her droid rolled out of the truck and onto the ground then beeping eagerly. Ben began to think more. She however was sharing a apartment complex with her.

They walked up and into the huge apartment. Sure enough, she was his next door neighbor. She connected her phone and started playing some music. "Let's get started!" She said and grabbed a box and headed for the kitchen.

They worked for 3 hours just fixing the house to Rey's standards. Ben was filling a shelf up with small nick nacks and books. He was surprised to see it was the books he wrote. She read from his Grey series which was not his favorite series that he wrote.

"Kylo Ren is my favorite Author, I mostly like the Grey Series but he hasn't posted the new books since he left Snoke and started getting contracted by other publishers," Rey said taking a book off the shelf and read a couple of her notes.

Ben stood in shock, he wouldn't think Rey would like his books. He smiled shyly and kept putting the books on the shelf. "Hey Rey, we finished the living room! Come see!" Poe shouted making Ben and Rey come into the living room.

The couch was a bright yellow and her glass coffee table was filled with books and more nick-nacks. "Guys it's amazing!" Rey said flopping onto the couch. She smiled and sat up looking around at her now more clean flat. " How about some pizza, I'm really hungry!" Rey said standing up and smiling at the group of boys that also stood in her apartment.

They agreed and walked out the door with BB-8 following close behind them. They drove to Pizza Hut and got a booth for 5. Rey, Finn, and Poe all talked about future events as Ben sat quietly, thinking about Rey and the Resistance. Maybe he could rejoin the Resistance, Nah Hux and Phasma wouldn't let him. He then thought of all the misery the First Order had brought to him and his family.

"Ben, are you ok?" Rey said touching his shoulder and turning him to her. He smiled " Yes I'm fine." He added with his smile and took a new bite out of his pizza. Rey looked at the boy with concern then kept eating her slice of pizza.

After the pizza, Rey paid for their meal then headed to the car. They talked about their night and how much fun they had helping Rey with her flat.

They drove to the school and boarded their own cars and went home. Rey thought about Ben and she obviously showed her discomfort because BB-8 picked up on her sadness. "Im fine BB, just deep in thought" and with that, the ride home was quiet.

 "Im fine BB, just deep in thought" and with that, the ride home was quiet

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

Heh Sugar Cubes!!

I'll have the next chapter posted tonight!! Enjoy yalls evening❤

Stay sweet🧁🍫🥰🍬🍦

Where Light Meets DarknessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz