The Meeting

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"Oh, fuck. Well, uh, nice to meet you, finally." Tyler took a step back and reached out his hand. The girl nervously grabbed it and they shook hands. "Have you, um, been waiting long?" He asked

"Erm... I-I-I've been w-waiting th-three hours. W-W-W-Which is nothing to me, of course!" the girl replied nervously. She was twiddling her thumbs and taking quick glances at Tyler, barely making eye contact.

Is this girl okay? Fuck, I feel bad now... thought Tyler.

Finally, the girl broke the awkward silence. "Sh-Shall we go? My house i-isn't very far from here." With this, the two began walking side-by-side down a street. The girl was still twiddling her fingers and down looking at her feet as they walked.

"So, Satanichia, h-how long have you lived here?" Tyler asked, trying to start a conversation.

"A-A little over t-two years. O-Oh, and please, y-y-you c-can call me Satania. A-All my friends call m-me that." The girl finally looked up at Tyler, still visibly nervous.

"Oh, alright then. You can just call me Tyler. No need for that 'sama' shit." Tyler replied, showing a little smile. The two walked for another block or two until Satania stopped them both.

"T-Tyler," Saying his first name made her blush a little. "Th-This is w-where I live." The two stopped in front of a two-story apartment building.

"Hm. Looks cozy." Tyler remarked. He followed her to her apartment, pulling along his luggage. Satania twisted her key. A little pause later and she turned the knob, revealing a small, well kept living space fitted with a twin-sized bed, a coffee table, a few bookshelves, and a computer desk. There was also an extremely small cooking space, as well as a closed door that Tyler presumed lead to the bathroom. They both entered through the doorway.

"W-W-Welcome to m-my a-a-apartment..." Satania stuttered out. "P-Please, make yourself at h-home. I-I know it-it's small, s-so you can rearrange t-the furniture if y-y-you want." She stood in the room staring at the floor, shaking and blushing at the same time. Tyler tried to calm her down.

"Hey, you don't gotta be so nervous around me." Tyler reassured her. However, the girl continued to shake vigorously while her cheeks were still bright red. The two just stayed in silence.

Tyler's eyes wandered around the room, noticing little Fortnite figures on her shelf as well as other little trinkets. He looked behind him and saw a Ninja poster that flattered him.

Surprisingly, it was Satania who broke the awkward atmosphere.

"T-T-Tyler... W-W-Would you l-l-like s-s-s-something to drink? O-Or eat, maybe?" She attempted to make eye contact with Tyler.

"Oh, nah thanks. I had a Big Mac earlier and I'm still pretty stuffed." he replied. Just then, Tyler remembered he brought her a gift! He immediately reached into his luggage beside him and grabbed a Team Ninja hoodie still in its plastic wrap. "I, um... I brought something for you. Hope you like it."

Satania's coral-coloured eyes lit up with joy and awe as she grabbed the mint condition hoodie from Tyler's hand. She quickly ripped off the plastic like a little kid would on Christmas day, startling Tyler a little bit. In that moment, Satania fell on her knees and started bawling her eyes out.

"H-Hey! I know it looks like dogshit, but is it really that bad?" Tyler attempted to comfort her; however, tears continued to stream down her face.

"N-No! It... It looks amazing," Satania tried to wipe away her tears. "It's just... It's just the nicest th-thing anybody has done for me. Thank you! Th-Thank you so much!"

The nicest thing anyone has done for her? Really? Damn. Tyler thought, feeling bad for the poor girl. He stood up from beside her and gently patted her shoulder. "Don't mention it." he said with a big smile on his face. Satania stood up abruptly, drying her tears in effortless wipes as she continued to sniffle loudly.

"I'm guessing you cry a lot for a 'demon'." Tyler jokingly said, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Well, we demons have emotions, too!" Satania continued to sniffle.

"Oh, fuck, you're serious? Are you gonna, like, kill me or something? Eat my soul, maybe?" Tyler cautiously questioned her.

"No, of course not! I just try to do devious things, mostly."

"Oh! Like stream-sniping. But you've stopped doing that, I hope. Epic Games connections can only get me so far."

"Eh... Well, you see-" Satania nervously looked away.

"Ok, but honestly, I don't fucking care as long as I'm not the victim." Tyler interrupted her.

Satania let out a big sigh of relief. She seemed to receive an idea as she let out a slight gasp, and she rushed to her pantry. Tyler didn't say anything, he just looked at her in confusion. "This is sudden, but I have something I'd like you to try, Tyler." She grabbed two pre-packaged pastries and walked back over to Tyler and handed him one. "This is called melon bread here in Japan." She plopped down right beside him on her bed.

"Eh, kinda looks like a pineapple or something." Tyler noticed. He took off the plastic and took a small bite. "Wow! This shit's pretty good! Not as good as Red Bull, though."

It didn't appear that Satania heard him because she looked as if she was in a joyous trance while eating her pastry. Tyler noticed this and waved a hand in front of her face, try to get her attention.

"H-Hello? Are you, fucking, high or something?" Tyler finally got her attention again.

"Oh, s-sorry." She looked embarrassed.

"You must really like these things, huh?" Tyler kindly asked.

"I guess you could say that," Satania continued to munch on her melon bread. "My family owns a bakery back in Hell. That's where my love for these things came from, I guess."

Tyler looked at her in confusion. "Wait, what? They have bakeries in hell?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't they? Well, it does make sense as to why a human wouldn't know anything about the underworld." Satania gave ninja a very smug smirk.

"Are you calling me an idiot?!" Tyler hissed, taking the remark a little too seriously.

"N-N-No! I didn't mean it like that or anything. I just mean Hell and Heaven and stuff are kind of unknown down here. That's all!" Satania let out an extremely nervous laugh.

"Yeah, I fuckin' hope it was," Tyler grumbled. "Hey, look, I'm pretty tired right now. Could you show me to-" At that moment, a realization hit Tyler like a semi-truck. "Satania, where am I even supposed to sleep?"

Satania froze like a statue.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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