chapter 7

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Liam POV:
I called the cops and said my brother found a newborn boy at the park what do we do? They said to take the baby to the hospital and get him check out. We took the baby to the hospital he is fine and just has to stay there for a few days. I happy he is good. They just told us he is our brother. By the blood test they just did. I said we take him too. We went to the baby store and got everything we need for baby Zayn. We got home then Niall fell and start to have a seizure I rolled him to his side and put a pillow under his head and started my timer on my phone. Its okay Niall you safe here with your big brothers Harry please take Louis to his room. He keeps seizing for 4 minutes then stop I checked his breathing it good. Then the seizure started again I said you okay just let it pass come on brother you can do it. It been 4 mins again. It stops I wanted for 3 mins he wakes up. I asked what your name? My name is Niall James Pyan. Okay you just had 2 seizures. You okay just rest and stay calm. I don't feel too good. May I sleep with you, or Harry Tonight I don't think I could sleep alone? Yes, You can Sleep with me. Let get you ready to go to bed.

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